The purpose of your soul

A few weeks ago I took a morning walk through the streets of New York. As I was about to cross the road, I looked down on the pavement, and there I saw a message: ‘Fulfil your purpose’. I immediately smiled and took it as a sign. The sign of the Universe I cannot deny. These kind of signs are everywhere and often appear in the most unexpected shapes and forms. The ‘Fulfil your purpose’ message on the pavement, was another sign for me to carry on with the work I came here to do, and I enjoy the most: To be of service to people and teach them how to align more and more with their truth.”  To be authentic and proud of who I am and by living this way, inspire others to do the same. I am a dedicated student of the truth, and I try to live as truthfully and authentically as possible.  Although it wasn’t always this way. Many lessons I have learnt about living in my truth came the hard way. Looking back, I wouldn’t exchange a single one of those lessons. I am grateful for them. The message I saw in New York on the pavement that morning was a confirmation, that I have chosen the right path and I should carry on.

Your unique journey 

So are you on the path of fulfilling your purpose? Do you have a clarity in your life and know what you came here to do? Or are you like most people, working at the job you don’t enjoy and is dragging you down? Staying in a relationship which is not good for you, but you hang around there because you fear being single?  You may be fully aware, that you came here to do somethings else, but there may be part of you, which is still holding you back and keeping you at your present situation. The human soul can only reach its true fulfilment and happiness, when it’s truly experiencing what it came here to do. If not, the dissatisfaction is expressed on our physical and psychological wellbeing. Our souls live in our bodies. How else could they express themselves, only through our physical self. When something is out of balance spiritually, it will be reflected in our outer, physical experiences. So, pay attention to the signs and to the voice of your soul. Don’t look at the random signs as coincidences, instead ask yourself: “What is this sign trying to tell me?” Then, listen to your soul for an answer. It can come to you straight away, sometimes later.

A few ways to deepen the connection with your Soul 

Meditation and Stillness 

Meditation is one of the best ways to start communicating with your soul. Get to know the spiritual side of your being by sitting in stillness on a daily basis, even if it’s only for five minutes. If you don’t know anything about meditation, I have dedicated an entire page to it on website. You will find out some tips about meditation for beginners, plus some guided meditations to start you off. Here is the link:

Natural world and its powers 

Nature is a wonderful healer and also a story teller. When you are in nature, you immediately align with your truth. Nature will allow you to engage all your senses to the present moment. You will be able to hear the voice of your soul and you may also be amazed, how many wonderful ideas will start flowing to you. I always get so inspired when walking in nature. Some of my best creations happen, when I let go and take a stroll through a forest or a park.

Inspiration and Creativity  

Another great way to start connecting with the voice of your soul is by getting creative. Get a pen and paper and list things that bring you joy. If you like writing, you may discover that one of the purposes of your soul can be becoming a writer or even an author. If you enjoy spending time with children, your life’s purpose may be working with children (teaching, organising summer camps or any other forms of tuition). So which creative activity brings you joy? Do more of that today. T. D. Jakes said it beautifully in his quote: “If you can’t figure out your purpose, figure out your passion. For your passion will lead you right into your purpose.” 

A thought to keep 

When you learn to communicate more with your Soul, you will realise, that you don’t need to search for your purpose. Your purpose will find you naturally. You will begin to be drawn to the things that inspire you. Just enjoy what you do and find some quiet times in your every-day busy routine and the rest will take care of itself. Trust the wisdom of your Soul, it will never fail you.

P.S. The picture on the right is the actual sign I saw in New York streets just a few weeks ago. Don’t ignore the signs, they come to you for a reason. 

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