Do you worry what other people think of you?

One of the best things I’ve ever decided to give up is the worry what other people think of me. This can be a many-year process (and I’m still in it), but when you begin you will start feeling lighter and more at peace. We give other people so much space in our minds, a space that we could easily use for ourselves, our creativity, our dreams and something way more meaningful. Over the years, I’ve realised that the most important thing is to know who I am, and the way other people perceive me has nothing to do with me. Instead, it has everything to do with them and with the way they perceive the world.

We all have different experiences, beliefs, upbringing and all of that has a huge impact on how we see others, how judgmental or non-judgmental we become. We are all greatly affected by our early conditioning. This early conditioning gave us a platform from which we are building our lives brick by brick. We get influenced by other people’s opinions and their beliefs, and even without realising we adopt them so strongly, and the most repeated ones become facts for us. These so-called facts might have been something that was only an opinion of one person, but by repetition, it got so deeply-rooted within our subconscious, it became unquestionable. That’s how beliefs get formed and from that perspective, we often view the rest of the world and everyone in it.

Do you worry, what other people think of you?

If you are a natural worrier, like me, take a deep breath. The natural worrying is also a result of your early conditioning. The good news is, you can make a decision today to start looking at it from a different perspective. I’m not going to tell you to just stop worrying what others think of you. This doesn’t happen overnight and it can be a long process.

What I’m going to suggest, however, is to ask yourself these few questions: Does it really matter what this person thinks of me? Why do I care so much about this person’s opinion? Is he/she someone very important in my life? Is their opinion going to benefit me in some way (although it might if they give you some useful, developmental feedback)? 

The next thing I’m going to suggest is practising self-love and respect. When we have love and respect towards ourselves, we know who we are and the other people’s opinions don’t matter as such. I’ve written quite a lot on these topics, so feel free to visit my website and check out my blog posts: And you don’t necessarily have to read those. There are so many resources on the internet these days where you can find so much about self-love, healing and self-respect. Take some time to do your research and give yourself all the love and respect you deserve.

And here is the fact:

Not everyone is going to like you. And you know what? That’s okay. You shouldn’t even try to accomplish that. I used to be a people pleaser and it was such a waste of energy. Live your own life, focus on what matters to you and invest your precious time to people who really love you and care about you, not to the ones you how to prove your worth to.