Are you feeling angry with someone? Try this positive approach.

A few months ago, I did a bit of creative writing for somebody. When this project was presented to me, I was instantly inspired, so I got to work almost straight away. I completed it fairly quickly too. The person I was working for was very happy with the results and so was I. Unfortunately, to this day, I didn’t receive any payment for the hard work I put into it. What upset me even more, was that this person completely disappeared and haven’t followed through. It has been months now. I am not going to go into too much details or talk negatively about the whole experience. First of all, this is not my style, and secondly, I like to keep my posts positive and inspiring. When this person didn’t pay me for my work, what crossed my mind, was that maybe some tragedy happened to them or in their family, which I know nothing about? Who knows. I decided to rise above the anger I was feeling at that point, and stay neutral about it. For a while I did, then, after some time, the feelings of anger started creeping in again. My internal monologue (for some time) was going something like this: “This is so typical. You just trust everybody and this is what happens. You should’ve take an advance payment first and then do the project. That’s how things get done these days. You are just too trustworthy Jana.”  The more I thought about, the angrier I felt and my frustration built up. I knew that sooner or later I have to take a different approach and shift my energy. I’ve decided to keep this as a lesson and took a positive approach, which I’d love to share with you.

Be kind to yourself, you haven’t done anything wrong

We often beat ourselves up for being so ‘stupid and trustworthy’ and promising ourselves, we are not going to do that again, and yet again we find ourselves there. First of all, you are not stupid. It’s a human nature to trust and be kind, so please don’t be hard on yourself. You trusted, and trusting is natural. Unfortunately, not everyone falls into the honest category.  Be kind to yourself and forgive yourself. You haven’t done anything wrong. It’s just another lesson.

Lesson learned

You are always learning and always growing, personally and spiritually. If a similar situation, like the one described above happens to you, look at it as a lesson instead of beating yourself up for it. We are learning our whole life, it doesn’t matter how old we are. And this lesson was probably required to help you on personal and spiritual growth.

Rise above the limitation

Anger is a limitation. It keeps you from moving forward in your life. It is a limitation that weakens you and keeps you on a low frequency. Rise above the limitation and re-focus your attention on things which are working in your life. The less focus you give to your anger, the quicker it will start fading away. And please know, that being angry never resolves anything. It only keeps you busy doing nothing.

Listen to your intuition

Most of the time, I listen to my intuition, but sometimes, when my mind overtakes, I dismiss it. And only when I do so, I realise I should’ve trusted and listened to it. Whenever you are making an important decisions in your life, please check-in with your inner voice. Your inner guidance is always there and should be acknowledged. Only we don’t always choose to listen to it. We have been trained to rely on our mind since a young age. Nobody ever told us that we should also ‘enquire within’. Now, is the time to reverse the process a bit, and first ask yourself: How do I  feel about it and then, what do I think about it? 

A thought to keep

‘When angry, count to ten before you speak; if very angry, count to hundred’ ~Thomas Jefferson 

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