Give yourself more credit

Last Tuesday I was busy running errands, straight after a long haul flight I got off the same morning. I had a full day ahead of me and because I was heading to Slovakia the following morning, I needed to get quite a few things done on that day despite my tiredness. To make my day go as smooth as possible, I’ve decided to approach everything with a positive attitude and to talk to myself in positive and a kind way. I’ve made a commitment that I will praise myself for every little thing I checked off my list. Making this decision made a huge difference to my day, to my feelings and the experiences I was getting back as a result.
I was proud of myself. I remembered the days how would Jana deal with similar situations in the past, whether she was tired or jet-lagged or not. She would be stressed out and her controlling attitude would be getting in a way of everything. She would be angry with the road traffic, the people in her way, for queuing at the coffee shop and upset with the crashing internet when she was trying to send a quick email on the go.
Reminding myself of my past self made me realise how far I’ve come and how differently I deal with things now. Then, I praised myself even more.
My energy shifted and I was able to run my errands effortlessly, with a positive attitude, calmness and ease.
And how about you? Do you try to control everything and everyone around you? Do small things stress you out? Do you get easily angry when working under pressure? If so, give yourself more credit. Praise yourself in every opportunity you get. Talk to yourself in a kind way. Be loving and respectful towards yourself. If you have a lot to do and not sure where to begin, pause for a moment, take a deep breath and ask yourself, what is the easiest thing I can cross off my list first? Then do it and carry on with the others. Be gentle with yourself. After all, you are the most important person in your own life and you deserve love and respect that you would give to others.

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