Learning to let go

box6Last week I was in Israel. I am so grateful to have the opportunity to travel around the world so much and to see and explore some incredible places. Although I enjoyed my trip to this beautiful country, they were many disturbing thoughts constantly floating on my mind. Many people who know me look at my life and say: “This girl has a fantastic lifestyle!” I have to admit, I love my life and I am excited about many things I do. But I still go through challenges and not everything is always as perfect as it may appear on the outside or on my FB page. We all have good days and sometimes we go through some challenging seasons in life. No one has it all figured out no matter how great their life may seem on the outside.

My life has been very interesting lately. Many old unhealed wounds” and situations have been coming up to the surface, bringing some challenges with them. People I knew in the past and I haven’t seen in the last 10 even15 years, are hauntingly appearing in my life. Some are coming back to reconnect and this is a huge blessing. Renewing old friendships can be very refreshing. The others which have also made contacts, reaffirmed they were not meant to share this journey with me. Some old friends who have been in my life for many years and I trusted fully, are suddenly letting me down, and I sadly had to end couple of those relationships. And lastly, some new friendships I strongly believed would last a lifetime, have suddenly disappeared without any explanation. Even though I try to keep positive and I always turn any situations around to see only the good in them, it isn’t always that easy.

When I was on the way to the airport from Tel Aviv, I started feeling a little uncomfortable as some unpleasant thoughts floated in my mind again. I was a bit emotional, upset and to say the truth, a bit fed up feeling like this for such a long time now. Wasting so much of my precious energy on things I have no control over is only keeping me stuck, and I could definitely invest this energy into something meaningful. In that moment I asked myself: “Wouldn’t it be wonderful to just let it all go at once? To forget about the bad things and only remember the good. To feel completely free of all the unpleasantness? Wouldn’t it be great to start again with a completely fresh and new outlook on all of this?” I suddenly smiled. I realised, of course it is possible and it is all up to me. It is only a decision away from me. The question is: “Am I ready to let it all go yet?” Probably not all at once, but maybe steadily, day by day and one step at the time would be a good start. What a liberating feeling would it be to clear out the obstacles, which are keeping my mind working overtime and preventing my soul’s voice to be heard.” I’ve decided to take a new approach. I am currently going through an important clearing and a healing process. I am discovering many ways to keep focused on my life’s purpose and trying to see everyone as a loving being wandering through this journey called life (just like me) unsure, sometimes scared and only doing the best they can in any given moment. I would like to share with you some ideas, which I remind myself every single day, and I believe they can help you if you are going through some changes or difficulties in your life too.


Past is not here anymore and there is nothing which can be changed about the past, only our approach towards the past can be changed. Your past doesn’t define you or anybody else. You are always changing, always growing spiritually and as a human being. When you are thinking about the past mistakes, you are losing the beauty of the present moment and that is the only place where the real life exists. Let’s focus more on what is happening right now.


Forgiving yourself and others is the best gift you can give to yourself. Forgive yourself for your past mistakes~ you have learned from them. Forgive others, not because you agree what they’ve done to you it’s okay. Forgiving someone means you are not letting them to control your life anymore. Let the resentment go and release yourself and others.


Focus on what you are grateful for rather than what isn’t working in your life right now. When you find yourself feeling low or negative, start listing things you are grateful for. For example: you have a loving family, your children make you proud, you have a job, you have a roof over your head etc. When you start listing those things, you will change your focus and shift your attention from negative to positive. Focus on what is important to you and what you feel excited about. Let the rest go and trust that something great will always come out of the challenges you may be going through.

So these are just few of my daily reminders to keep positive and focused on what is really important in life. They are helping me to let go of any disturbing thoughts and feelings and to only see the real truth, which is love, light and good in others and in myself.

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