Letting go of toxic people the mature way

We all have some people in our lives who drain us of energy. The friends that always complain, the people that have nothing positive to say. For years and years, they have similar stories about how victimised they feel and how difficult life is. When you get off the phone with them, you feel exhausted. You feel that so much energy has just been sucked out of you. Do you keep in touch with certain people just to be nice? Well, all of the above are huge signals it’s time to let go. But letting go doesn’t always mean to say goodbye for good. It can mean to keep some form of contact. I know you care about your friends and you don’t want to hurt anyone. You want the best for your friends, but sometimes letting go would be the best choice. The truth is, we sometimes outgrow some people and that’s perfectly okay. So is it time to re-evaluate your relationships? If so, read on.

No Guilt

Let’s face it, some people need to go. They came into your life for a few years, but the relationship/friendship has served its purpose now. I am not suggesting to be cruel. You can still let those people go with grace and love and without feeling guilty. This is an act of self-love towards yourself. Self-love should be your number one priority. Secondly, you don’t have to close the doors completely. What you can you do is to minimise contact with these people. Just check-in with them occasionally. I know you still care about them because you are a good and loving friend, but for your own wellbeing, you need to keep distance and protect your energy.

You are always Number ONE

I learnt this the hard way being a recovering people-pleaser. I sometimes still de-tour and find myself on this path, but luckily I soon realise, this is not doing me or the other person any favour. Taking care of yourself and your energy by letting go of the unhealthy and draining relationships is crucial to your wellbeing. You want to feel well and good and you owe it to yourself. Your time here on Earth is limited. Whey waste it by investing your precious energy into something that doesn’t make you feel good.

Be honest

Do yourself a favour and don’t try to hold on to relationships that no longer serve you. Let them go, be kind and truthful to yourself and others. We often hold on to something for too long. It is not good for yourself or the other person. Let them go, so they can be who they came here to be and find the right people to spend time with. The same applies to you. Don’t waste yours or their time.

Forgive them for YOU

We are all on a different stage of this journey called life. You are on your path and they are on theirs. Some people stay in your life for a lifetime, others have shorter roles to play. Forgive them, let them go and move on. Make a space for the healthy and more fulfilling friendships and relationships.

A thought to keep

“When you are brave enough to let go of what is no longer serving you, your energy will start re-arranging and will create space for what is really meant for you.” ~Jana Prackova 

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