Make your wellbeing a priority

You are the physical, but also the non-physical. You are a soul and you have a body. Your body is your temple and your soul is the invisible part of your being that resides in this temple. Therefore it’s very important to look after it the best way you can. We often forget to do so, by putting different priorities on our ‘to do lists’. We postpone and procrastinate. We make excuses such as: I will start eating healthier from next year, stop drinking alcohol after my Birthday, check out that yoga studio next month…and the list can go on. We wouldn’t put the wrong oil in our car, so why do we feed our bodies the wrong food and our minds with negative thoughts? We often stay in a toxic relationships or situations for way too long and waste our precious energy we could’ve invested to something more meaningful. The good news is, these bad habits can be transformed by taking a new positive approach. Making wellbeing your priority number one, can enrich your life in many wonderful ways. Listed below are few of my suggestions you may find helpful.


We live in a fast moving world. When we finish one thing, we automatically go to the next. This often makes our breathing shallow and can stress us out. My suggestion: Pause and take a deep breaths several times a day. Breathe in the life force energy that surrounds you and breathe out everything that no longer serves you. Breathe in and out slowly and deeply. When you are stressed out or anxious, stop for a moment and notice your breathing. I often say: When I’m in doubt,  I take a deep breath. This always helps me re-organise my thoughts, priorities and it centres me back in the moment.


Meditation is a wonderful tool. Meditation does not only allow you to align with your truth, but it also helps you deeply connect to the present moment. On top of that, meditation has many wonderful benefits such as: it decreases stress and anxiety, lowers blood pressure, increases energy and creativity, improves your focus, relaxes the nervous system, helps to release fears, improves sleep and it can even reduce pain. If you would like to learn more about meditation, check out this page on my website: 


Any physical exercise it’s good for you. It does not matter whether it’s yoga, walking in nature, a spin class at the gym or a dance class. Choose whatever suits you best, and go and do it. You’ll feel happier, healthier, more balanced and positive about life.

Nourish your body with healthy food

Some foods raise our energy levels, some don’t. Choose healthy food that will increase your energy, and will make you feel good. Add more fruits and vegetables to your diet and drink plenty of water. If you are not sure where to begin, consult a nutritionist or a health coach. You can find them almost everywhere these days.

Inspire yourself on a daily basis

To keep well and balanced is to keep motivated and inspired. Inspirational reading, evening lectures, workshops, spiritual courses and musical events always served me well. When you feel down or de-motivated, get to a book store or your local library and pick up a nice inspiring book. Check out some evening lectures or events that interest you. This way you can connect with like-minded people and it will help you keep motivated and inspired.

Get creative

I love writing music. I find it very therapeutic and it makes me feel good. What creative activity do you enjoy? Find some time for it at least couple of times a week. It’s important to do what you love. Creativity is also a magical way how your soul expresses itself in the world.

A thought to keep!

“For everyone, wellbeing is a journey…The secret is to committing to that journey and taking those first steps with hope and belief in yourself .” ~Deepak Chopra 

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