Are you jealous of others?

A friend of mine recently suggested that I should write about jealousy. I wrote on this topic a couple of times before, but I believe there is always more that can be added to it. The definition of jealousy, according to the Google dictionary, is an envious resentment of someone’s achievements, possessions or perceived advantages…

We all get jealous of other people sometimes, whether we admit it or not. But when jealousy turns into an obsession, that is where we need to take a step back and honest look at our lives. We need to ask ourselves, what is it in me, that is making me feel this way towards someone else? What do I need to heal, what do I need to work on, so I could look at this person from a different perspective?

I believe when we see someone who has something we don’t, we are being shown that we are equally worthy of something similar. Life really is like a mirror and if we pay attention, we can see so many magical signs around us and start noticing what they are trying to tell us. Unfortunately, most people would rather focus on the negative, would rather stay in the victim’s zone and resent others, although unintentionally. They don’t realise that when they resent something in others, they are automatically blocking it from themselves. They could have the same abundance, the same success, the same _____fill in the blank, or even something way better, but they unwittingly choose to kill it before the seed is even planted and could manifest something great in their life. By being jealous they are actually doing a lot of disservice to themselves.

So, how do we deal with jealousy? With one simple rule:


As harsh as it may sound, mind your own business, my friend. Focus on you. Why do you waste your precious energy on to something that has nothing to do with you? If it means, getting off social media for a while, do it. If it means narrowing down the circle of people you hang around and who trigger you, go for it. Focus on you and what you are trying to create in your life. Leave others to focus on themselves. All of our journies are different and you should focus on yours and yours alone.

A thought to keep

“The jealous are troublesome to others, but torment to themselves.” ~William Penn