The power of daily rituals

What does come to your mind when you hear the word ritual? The Oxford English Dictionary describes ritual as follows: religious or solemn ceremony consisting of a series of actions performed according to a prescribed order. In other words, we can look at ritual as something we repeat on a daily basis that has a powerful meaning to us. It can even be a daily prayer or having a meditation practice. I, personally find daily rituals very empowering. Through daily rituals, we are learning a self-discipline. When something is important to us, we just find the time to do it, no negotiations, no excuses. The more we practice, the more second-nature it becomes. It’s like brushing your teeth. Today, I would like to share with you some of my own daily non-negotiables. I hope they’ll inspire you.

Daily meditation

One of my daily rituals is my meditation practice. I meditate every morning and every evening. I always make sure I meditate. For me, meditating is the right way to start and also end my day. I don’t compromise. If I have to be up at 6 am, I make sure I wake up at 05.45 to do my meditation. My meditation practice is important to me and therefore I make sure I stick to it.

Energy field protection

I have always been quite sensitive to other people’s energies and I can easily pick on their thoughts and emotions. Therefore, I make sure I shield my energy field every single day. I do this by adding a little visualisation to my day. For example: I visualise four mirrors around me. One in front of me, one behind me, one on my left and one on my right. These mirrors are not facing me, but they are turned away from me. I trust and know that these mirrors will reflect any negative or disturbing energies sent my way (intentionally or unintentionally). I also trust that when these energies are reflected away from me, they cannot harm any other being. Another protection technique I use is stepping into a golden pyramid, inspired by Anne Jones. Visualise a golden pyramid in front of you. Take a step (either in your visualisation or you can take a physical step), and visualise you are stepping into that pyramid. Now, that you are in the pyramid, trust and know that nothing negative or disturbing can penetrate through this pyramid and you are safe and secure.

Conscious breathing

Several times a day I stop doing what I’m doing and take a few deep breaths. Practising daily conscious breathing creates space within the physical body, so the energy can flow freely. Deep breathing can also help release stress, anxiety and bring more joy and peace to life.

Reading something inspirational every day

Reading at least one page of an inspiring or motivational book can really add to feeling more positive and excited about life in general. I do this every day. It doesn’t take long and it has a lasting positive effect on my life.


I am not a very big fan of gyms, but I practice yoga and love ballet dancing. These are keeping me fit and balanced. Even though I don’t go to the gym, every day I do daily plank pose for 4-minutes. I don’t do it all together but in 2- minute intervals. It’s a fantastic ritual I added to my day a few months ago, which is also keeping my arms, abdomen and legs strong and toned.

Do you have any daily rituals?

If you practise any rituals and you would like to share them with us, I invite you to leave them in the comments below this post. By sharing our ideas and tips, we can inspire and help each other. If you don’t practise any rituals yet, I hope this post inspired you.

I will leave you with this powerful quote

“A daily ritual is a way of saying, “I’m voting for myself; I’m taking care of myself.” ~ Mariel Hemingway 

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