Turn down the noise

Last week I sat in my hotel room in Boston, Massachusetts. Life has been very hectic lately. This was keeping my mind working overtime for months. As I sat quietly on my bed, I suddenly heard the voice of my soul ‘Turn down the noise Jana’ The voice was soft and comforting. Just hearing these words gave me a permission to stop and just be. A sense of calmness showered my entire being. It allowed me to be still, breathe and relax. I became fully engaged in the present moment and that’s all I needed at that time. I didn’t want to talk to anybody, to check my phone, I didn’t want to switch on my computer or the TV. I was breathing, I was at peace and that was all that mattered.

We often forget how precious the present moment is. From time to time we have to remind ourselves, that there is nothing else we have, only present. Past is not here anymore and there is nothing which can be changed about it. Only our approach towards the past can be changed. Future-tripping can be great when we think about things that excite us, such as our dreams and visions. But when we worry, obsess or over-react, we can unintentionally take ourselves to some dark places where we may get lost. Our lives are busy. We always think about the next thing, often without pausing for a while and acknowledging our presence in the moment. The good news is, I have a few tips, which i believe can help you to turn down the noise in your life (at least a notch down).

‘Space Zone’

Find a comfortable place, where you are not going to be disturbed. Sit quietly and close your eyes. Take a few, deep cleansing breaths. Breath is your connection to life. Notice its beauty, its power. Notice this incredible life force. Now, I would like you to feel the space you are in. Feel the space around you, the space beneath you and the space above you. Feel the space in front of you, the space behind you, space to your left and space to your right. Feel your presence in the here and now and just be. Stay here for a few more deep breaths. When you are ready open your eyes. This exercise is a wonderful way for turning down the noise of the world and tuning in to your truth.

‘Away with the fairies’

Natural world is one of the best healers. Hiking in the mountains, walking in the woods, even strolling through a park can create a great connection with nature. When you are out in the natural world, engage all your senses to that moment. Forget about your phone, any deadlines and the rest of the noise of this hectic world. You are alive, you are breathing and that’s all that matters right now.

‘Sacred Chronicle’

Starting a diary can a be a wonderful way of turning down the noise. Writing down your thoughts, your concerns and anything you just wouldn’t share with anybody can be very therapeutic. I do this all the time. It helps me to release what I worry about and is no longer serving me. Buy yourself a nice diary and make it your Sacred Chronicle of surrender. Tell it how you really feel. We all have our secrets, we just wouldn’t share with anybody not even with the closest friend or a parent. Tell it to your diary.

A thought to keep

Please remember, that being still will help you to hear the voice of your soul. Your soul is your greatest guide and the truth of who you really are. Tune in and listen to it. It has some incredible secrets to share.

‘Silence is a gift. Learn to value its essence.’ 

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