Positive attitude, a catalyst to a happier life

I believe having a positive attitude, is one of the magical keys to a happier and more fulfilling life. On the contrary, being negative and pessimistic drains you of energy. Being positive does does not only make you feel good, motivated and inspired, but it also contributes to your overall wellbeing: physical, emotional and spiritual. The good news is, you always have a choice. You can choose, whether you want to look at something as an obstacle or as a detour to a new opportunity. You choose, whether you want to focus on the good or on the bad in any situation. Having a positive attitude is definitely, in my opinion, a catalyst to a happier life.

Focus on the good

What you focus on always expands. When you focus on the positive, you will see more positive things in life. When you focus on the negative, the world, very likely, reflects the negative back to you. Life is really like a mirror. Your outside world is a reflection of your inner state. Keep that in mind.

Count your blessings

Every time I feel down, I start listing things I am grateful for. Listing things you are grateful for, can shift your energy from a negative frequency to a positive frequency almost instantly. This exercise always serves me in a great and powerful way. Give it a go.

Help others

Aung San Suu Kyi, a Burmese politician, diplomat, author, and winner of a Nobel Peace Prize said: “When you feel helpless, help someone. I always remind myself these powerful quote, especially, when I feel demotivated or upset. Performing any random act of kindness does not only help someone else, but it will also make you feel good and can bring you back to positivity.

Look after yourself

Look after yourself by doing what makes you feel good physically, emotionally and spiritually. Eat healthy food, drink lots of water, exercise, be creative, get still, and of course, have some fun every day. All of these are very important to your overall wellbeing, and will make you feel more joyful and positive about life in general.

 A thought to keep

“Positive thoughts generate positive feelings and attract positive life experiences.” 

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