When your inner voice keeps saying no…

A few months ago, I had an interesting experience you may be able to relate to. I have been contacted by somebody, who at first appeared as a friendly social media follower, but after exchanging a few emails with this person, I suddenly began feeling a little uncomfortable. This lady, had some nice things to say about my work, which I really appreciated, but I felt it was just a sugar-coating, while she was trying to convince me to do something I didn’t feel called to do. After a little while, I began finding her attitude a bit pushy, and feeling some form of resistance every time her email appeared in my inbox. My inner voice kept saying to end the conversation, but in this instance, for some reason, I carried on with the emailing for much longer than I should’ve done. I wanted to be polite, and perhaps re-affirm all the nice things she said about me and my work. Fortunately, one morning, the voice of my soul stepped in again, as it usual does when I stop listening. I was reminded of an article I wrote last year titled: “Learning to say NO” https://www.mysticbutterfly.co.uk/learningtosayno/ I used to had real struggles saying no, and here I was, yet again, lost in confusion of trying to please someone on my account. After reading the article, I made the decision to end the conversation politely and finally did without feeling any guilt. And you? Do you listen to your inner voice or not? Be honest with yourself. That is the first step which will align you to your truth. I hope the suggestions listed below inspire you.

Are you listening to your inner voice?

Are you listening to your inner voice or are you denying it? All of us are able to hear it, but we often dismiss it. First of all, you need to learn how to recognise your inner voice form the voice of fear. The voice of fear is controlling, manipulating and it creates worry within you. The voice of your inner guidance is loving, comforting and it tells you the truth, no matter what it is. You’ll feel the difference. The best and the easiest way is to begin hearing your inner voice is by stilling your mind.

How do you still your mind?

Stilling your mind has a mysterious healing and calming effect. My first suggestion is to begin focusing your attention on the present moment as much as possible. Present moment is the only place where the true life exists. Our minds are often future tripping and wandering back to the past. When you find yourself there and start to feel uncomfortable, take a deep breath and ask yourself: “Where am I?” And you know, thar you are right here in this current moment and that’s all that matters right now. My second suggestion is meditation. Meditation is a beautiful practice that can help you still your mind. If you are new to mediation, check out this page on my website: https://www.mysticbutterfly.co.uk/meditation/ 

The energy and the vibes you get often tell the truth

The more you raise your frequency to a higher levels of consciousness, and that is by regular meditation and relaxation practices, you will start noticing your inner voice getting louder and clearer. The more you focus on the present moment, the easier you pick on the vibes other people give you.

When your inner voice keep saying no, keep listening to it

There is an incredible wisdom within you, a wisdom that is longing to be heard. It is a wisdom that comes from your soul, and it is up to you, whether you choose to listen to it or not. I know, that in the physical world, there are times, when it is required to rely on our logical minds, but this doesn’t apply to everything. Listen to your inner voice too.

*A thought to keep*

“Your inner voice is the voice of divinity. To hear it, we need to be in solitude, even in crowded places.” ~A. R. Rahman 

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