Getting a new perspective

Last week I’ve decided to minimise my presence on social media for a while. This was a hard decision for me to make, but it was 100% necessary, for many reasons. I’ve been on the social media, practically full-time, since 2009, so it feels a bit unusual to suddenly not be part of it as much. But, as much as I love inspiring others over the internet, I had to step away for a while. That’s why I will keep my posts to the minimum for now.

And I know, there are many people who don’t care, but there are also many people who do and they get inspired by my posts and messages. I know who these people are, so to them, I feel, I owe you an explanation of my sudden absence.

We all need to put ourselves and our well-being first, and at the moment, I need some time out to make my well-being a full-time job. I always say to my students and clients: ‘I know you love people and care about people. I know you want to help them and serve them, but first, you have to make sure you are taken care of, that you are well and you are looking after yourself. Then, when you are finally overflowing, you can give to others. You can’t pour from an empty cup. You are the most important person in your own life and you need to put yourself first. And this is not selfish, but an act of self-love and a healthy self-respect towards yourself.’ 

And I know, this can be extremely hard when you have small children or are looking after others who depend on you. Therefore, I want to honour you, your journey and the great work that you do. It’s not easy. I fully understand. You can only do your best at any given moment. And I want you to know, that you are amazing!

So, beside everything else that is going on in my life and in the world, I’ve been longing to get more still for ages. I’ve been longing to seek some answers for myself, which I can hopefully find, when I turn down the volume of other things. And so far, I’m noticing some positive changes. In that quiet-titute I’m able to see life differently. I’m able to see life more clearly and I’m able to be more present. I’m able to notice the little things more. These are the things we often take for granted, but they are, in most cases, the ones that truly matter. I feel that I’m healing from something that I didn’t even know was a problem before.

I’m not saying that there is something wrong with social media. It is through social media I was able to connect with most of you, and for that, I will always be grateful. But, there is also so much noise out there, which some sensitive and introverted souls like me, can find challenging to navigate through after quite some time. When we take it in a small doses, it’s all fine. But, when we start noticing that we are turning to it more than is necessary, then it becomes a problem. And partly, this is what has been happening to me.

There are other elements of my life, which are currently not running smoothly. Well, who doesn’t find life challenging these days? But, there are so many things I’ve been overlooking for a long time and they need my full attention now. Realising that has been a blessing.

I do miss you and interacting with you, and I will come back online again fully. But now, I need a bit of space. However, the Mystic Butterfly community still keeps going, because it is what truly empowers me. If you would like to be part of it, simply join the list and subscribe. I sent out a weekly newsletter, every Tuesday, with my latest updates, blog posts and news, and I answer your questions:  and as a bonus, you’ll get my brand new eBook ‘The Art of Believing in Yourself’.

Beside that, I’m still continuing with my YouTube videos, so if you are not a subscriber yet and would you like to become one, you can subscribe here:

Look after yourselves, keep well, stay safe and I’m so looking forward to getting in touch again soon. 

Jana x

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