Lift yourself up, by staying present

Last Saturday I had a nice, relaxing day, which I’m extremely grateful for. In the evening, I’ve decided to grab my headphones and listen to some music. For a couple of hours I listened everything from the 80’s to the more contemporary Hip-Hop. Later that evening, while making a cup of tea, I realised, that for those couple of hours, I completely forgot about the current outbreak, the ‘C’ word and all the stresses that come with it. I got so ‘lost in the music’, it didn’t cross my mind once. I felt great.

And this experience has inspired today’s post. Being present in the moment and fully focused on the activity you are doing in that particular moment in time, can be very therapeutic. Every time there is something going on in our lives (a problem we can’t find a solution for etc.), it is possible to leave it aside for a while, by being fully engage in the activity we are doing.

I will give you another example. Some of you may now that I’m a devoted ballet student. I took ballet as a child and got back to it as an adult a few years ago. I love ballet. To me, ballet is an art, and another way how my soul expresses itself on this physical plane. Of course, being currently in a ‘lockdown’ here in Britain, there are no classes at my local studio. However, in the last couple of weeks, my beautiful teachers, Jessi and Suzy, came up with an idea to start teaching a life-streaming online classes. I’m so happy and extremely grateful for this. I keep attending and dancing in my living room, while connecting with all my classmates through the internet. I think it’s amazing that we can do that. Ballet, also helps me be more present in the moment and forget, if only for an hour, what is currently going on in the world. The great thing about ballet is that you have to fully focus on what you are doing, so you don’t make mistakes with your steps and the routine. This prevents your mind from wandering. And who doesn’t need that now?

So, what do you enjoy doing? Is it listening to music, reading, gardening, dancing? Get immersed in that activity for a while. Give it your full and undivided attention, and experience the benefits that come with it. You will not only forget about the worries you may have for a while, but afterwards, you may have a completely different outlook on them. Try it.

Stay safe and well, my friends, 

Jana x 

2 Responses to “Lift yourself up, by staying present”

  • Debbie Ibrahim

    Completely totally needed advice in these times.Wishing You,family,loved ones much safety .Love and hugs

    • I’m so glad you found the post helpful, Debbie. I hope you and your loved ones are keeping well. Sending you lots of love and hugs. Stay safe. Jana x


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