You are worthy of your desires

Today’s post is a simple reminder that you are worthy of what you desire. You are worthy of your dreams, no matter how big or small they may be. You are worthy of anything your heart and soul longs for. You are worthy of your dreams and I want you to claim this fully.

But of course, what we desire doesn’t always come easily. Some big dreams require more time, effort and dedication to come to fruition. However, in some cases, even bigger things can manifest effortlessly sometimes.

I’m a huge believer in the law of attraction, the law of assumption, and I’d personally manifested so many wonderful things in my life. Some of these things didn’t require too much time and effort at all. But this happens when we are fully aligned with the energies of the Universe, which I’ve talked about in the previous blog posts. If you go back to them, I hope you’ll find them useful.

The bottom line is this:

‘When we want to manifest something, we need to put in some work and effort towards it. We need to take action and work towards our dreams.’

I find that taking action every single day, towards something we want to see in our lives is a huge benefit. And it doesn’t have to be anything big, but it’s important to take action. And yes, sometimes there will be challenges, there will be obstacles and there will be conflicting voices in our minds…Regardless of any of these, keep going, keep taking action. Believe in yourself and that you are worthy of your desire.

Sometimes you may come across people who will tell you that your dream is not possible. Keep going anyway. Your dreams may seem impossible to them, but this doesn’t mean it is not possible for you. Hold the vision of your dream and trust the process you are going through. Keep reminding yourself that you are worthy of your desire and it can absolutely come true.

Surround yourself by positive people and make your environment a positive environment, an environment that will remind you of where you are heading. Create a vision board, stick cards with positive affirmations on your mirror and your refrigerator. Listen to positive and inspiring messages, music and read a lot.

Keep believing in yourself, in your dreams and in your ability to create the life that you desire, because you are absolutely worthy of it.

Taking advice from people who are not doing what you want to do

Have you ever met someone who has told you that something you are trying to accomplish wouldn’t be possible for you? A person, who would unintentionally or maybe intentionally try to crush your dream before you even begin? It happened to me quite a few times.

One time, in my twenties, when I decided to take the route of becoming a private pilot. I was excited about my dream, so I was telling many people about it and of course, most of them were very encouraging and genuinely happy for me. But one day, I had a conversation with a person who started listing all the reason why I could fail. He said, that it would be too hard, there is so much maths and physics involved, that English is not my first language, so it would be even double-hard, besides I’m going to put myself into to lots of debt because flying is just too expensive.

It turned out later, this individual didn’t even have a pilot’s license himself, yet he was trying to crush my dream before I even began my journey. Since then, I’m really careful who I share my dreams with and take advice from, especially the people who are not doing something I’m striving to do.

You decide what’s possible for you

There are many possibilities for all of us and it is up to us whether we make something happen or not. If you believe in yourself and put the hard work into it, you can make anything happen. If it’s important to you, you will find a way, if not, you will find an excuse. Listen to your own inner wisdom and focus on what you want to do.

Be aware of people who are negative about something you are excited about

These kind of people are incapable of doing something themselves, so they try to push their fear onto you too. If they were willing to change the approach, they could definitely achieve some great things themselves. Unfortunately, they are too focused on the ‘Why they can’t’.

To summarise it, don’t be angry with these people, but rather be compassionate. Always be positive and who knows…maybe your positive approach towards your dream will show them, that they too can accomplish some cool things in their lives just by changing their attitude. Anyhow, taking advice from people who are not doing what you want to do is a big NO, NO! Focus on you, your dreams and most importantly, have fun in this process.

And lastly, besides the hard work and everything else that man listed, I completed my training successfully and became a private pilot 🙂 What a great journey it has been.

Don’t let excuses keep your dreams on hold

I believe if you want to make something happen you’ll find a way.  If not, you’ll find an excuse. This week’s blog is little coaching session from me and I hope you will find it inspiring. All our dreams come to us for a reason and it is our responsibility to bring them into this physical reality. Unfortunately, excuses often hold us back to do so. The human mind can come up with all sorts of crazy ways why we can’t do something and the dream you’ve been so excited about five minutes ago can instantly fade away. The truth is, it doesn’t have to be that way. Ask yourself: “Do I want to keep making excuses or do I want to push them aside and focus on what really matters to me?”

The choice is always yours

We all face obstacles, but there is a difference between how we all deal with them. Are you the kind of person who comes up with all sorts of excuses when you face a challenge because you are just too afraid to step out of the comfort zone? Or do you look at it as an opportunity for growth, an opportunity to learn something new which will enrich your life in some way? The choice is always yours. Be the one who doesn’t give up on their dream, no matter how hard it gets. Believe in yourself fully, and trust and know that even if you are not making progress as fast as you expected, you are on your way.

Become an action taker

Everything I have ever accomplished in life happened because I’m an action taker. I don’t hesitate, I don’t talk about it, instead, I do. When something is important to me, I make it happen. You are not going to get anywhere if you don’t take action. Become an action taker today.

Turn down the noise

Believe in yourself and turn down the noise of the world. There will be people who will tell you your dream is impossible, don’t listen to them. There will be doubts, there will be fears and there will be conflicting voices in your head. Don’t listen to them. Hold your vision clearly in your mind and trust the process of getting closer to it every day. Be aware of people who will tell you your dream is impossible. It only means it would be impossible for them, but it doesn’t have to be impossible for you too. Believe in yourself and turn down the noise. You can do this, because you’ve decided so.

Persevere & make your dreams come true

Today’s blog post is a little coaching session from me. It’s about persevering and working towards your dreams, even when things get difficult. I strongly believe when something is important to us, we are going to make it happen. What I also believe in, is that when we are working towards our dream, we may occasionally be led to even a better one. I am always open to that possibility because I’ve experienced it.

So you have a dream and you are excited about it, but there may be times, when you may feel de-motivated, discouraged or even want to give up. In those moments is important to remind yourself how far I’ve come already. This can give you the courage to move forward and show you a way to rise above any obstacles along the way.

We all feel discouraged sometimes, we all feel de-motivated, we all get tired. Especially when we have been working towards something for a long time and the whole process may seem to be taking a while. In the beginning, the excitement is always there, but when the first obstacles start arising, we may question whether we should carry on. The secret of many successful people is to persevere. You never know how close you may be to winning? Many dreams are let go of, just before the results are about to show up.

Let go of the control of ‘how and when’ and keep going

I am currently in the process of completing a beautiful project which I’ve been working on for a few years. I will reveal the news in November. But during this process, I often felt discouraged, especially when things were not going according to my plans. Even though there were obstacles, I persevered and with a help of some amazing people who supported me, I am pleased to say we are almost done. When you let go of the control of how and when, and you relax and go with the flow, the way will be shown to you. And keep in mind, that it may not happen the what you expected (it may be even better).

Why did you begin?

I know that you may be tired or even feel that you want to give up. Pause for a moment and think about why you started? What prompted you to begin? Who inspired you? What was the vision? Write it all down. I often find, when I write things down and see them in front of me on a piece of paper, I see the reasons why I’m doing what I’m doing. This helps me see my vision clearly again. It also gives me the courage to persevere.

Sometimes you take 2 steps forward, another time 5 steps back (and that’s okay)

Remember this statement. Sometimes you take 2 steps forward, another time 5 steps back. My flying instructor used to tell me that and it motivated me every time. Even when things got difficult, I took a deep breath and tried again and again. I didn’t give up even though it was hard.

Make yourself proud

Yes, you can make yourself proud. Keep moving forward, keep doing your best in any given moment. You can absolutely make your dreams come true. Hard work, perseverance and a clear vision will get you where you want to go. Believe in yourself.

A thought to keep

“Perseverance, the secret of all triumphs.” ~Victor Hugo 

Dream~Believe~Make it happen

Walt Disney said: “If you can dream it, you can do it.” I love this quotation. I, myself am a dreamer. I’ve always been. When I have a dream and it’s important to me, I find a way to make it happen. Sometimes, when I take steps towards my dream, the dream actually turns out even better than I expected. Another time, it leads me to something different, even more exciting. All of you are more than capable of achieving anything that you desire. The main obstacles that most of us face are: procrastination, fear and going back to the old ways (such as: Why bother? Life wasn’t too bad before). Your dreams are important! There is great reason why they came to you. I am excited to share with you some tools that served me well over the years and I believe they can inspire you.

Break the process

We often get very hard on ourselves when we want to accomplish something. We have a dream, we get excited about it and then the hard work begins. We often start comparing ourselves to other people and sometimes have an unrealistic expectations. We get overwhelmed when it gets difficult and may ask ourselves: What’s the point doing it anyway? Remember that everyone’s journey is unique and special to them. For example: It does not matter, if somebody learnt to fly within a few months and you are learning to fly for the past 2 years and still haven’t earned your licence. Don’t think there is something wrong with you. Absolutely not! Everyone’s learning process is different. It’s not about how quickly you are going to get there. Here is my suggestion: When you are about to set off on a journey towards your dream, break this process to a smaller steps and make a plan. Write down what you can do daily, weekly, monthly even yearly towards that dream. Now, you can see right in front of you how you are going to proceed. Note, that you can always adjust this plan. Be disciplined, but at the same time respect yourself and be patient with yourself. You can do this.

When obstacles arise

And they will. They always do. The good news is, you are going to learn a lot from them. Begin looking at obstacles as opportunities for your personal and spiritual growth. Don’t get discouraged, instead take a deep breath and rise above them. Work hard and keep reminding yourself: “Of course I can do it!”  The obstacles are just tiny detours that are often necessary to get you where you want to be. They can enrich you in many ways.

Fears, doubts and worries

We all get them. They are part of our daily life. How to deal with them? Accept them and don’t fight them. This approach has always served me well. I believe what we resist always persists. When you accept your fears, doubts and worries as part of you, you are not fighting part of yourself anymore. They are part of your life for a reason right now and they are meant to teach you something along the way. When you accept them, they won’t be as scary anymore. Take a deep breath and learn to co-operate with them. One day they will fade away naturally even without you realising.

YES, you can!

YES, you can do whatever you put your mind into. Have a dream and visualise what it would feel like once it’s manifested. Then, believe it is possible for you. Next, take a daily action towards achieving it. And lastly, don’t cling on to the outcome, questioning how or when is going to happen. It will happen, when it’s meant to happen. There is not too soon or too late. If t’s important to you, you will make it happen. And keep in mind, when you are set on a positive frequency during this process, you will find that any necessary resources, the right people and opportunities will come your way. Trust and know that you can do anything that you desire. Because you can!

How to stay motivated

Happy womanWhen we are trying to accomplish something in our lives, it can sometimes be difficult to stay motivated. We get a great idea, we get excited about it, but later when we realise what it actually involves to bring it to reality, we may get discouraged, demotivated and sometimes we may even start doubting ourselves. We all feel like that sometimes. The good news is, there are many ways we can stay motivated, focused, and in the end achieve what we really want. Here are few suggestions:



We often get overwhelmed when we look at the big picture of all we “have to do”. My suggestion? Break it down to a smaller steps. It’s great to have the end result in mind, but only to certain extend. When you break it down and focus on a smaller steps, you are on a better path of reaching your goal. This way ,you stay motivated and more positive. Focus on what you have to do today and tomorrow and know that you will figure out the rest as you go along.


Reward yourself every day, even for what you consider a small successes. This is another powerful way to stay motivated. For example: “You have written the first two pages of your first novel? Take yourself for a lovely meal and congratulate yourself for taking the first step. You went to the gym twice this week after haven’t been exercising for a year? Reward yourself for that.” It is very important to acknowledge your own successes and to be kind to yourself, instead of being hard on yourself. Remember: “You are always doing the best you can with the knowledge and understanding you have at the time!”


Praise yourself by using a positive and supportive language. I do this every single day. For instance: “Well done, you’ve done so well again, I’m so proud of you! You see, I told you, you can do it! You can do anything you set your mind to! You are more than good enough!”  These are just a few examples. Try it! If you do this every single day, it can become a habit and this is one of the best habits to keep. Be kind to yourself!


You are a very special, unique individual and there is nobody in this world exactly like you and there is never going to be. You came to this Earth to be yourself and do things in your own unique way. I know it can be hard sometimes, but try not to compare yourself to other people. Everyone’s journey is different. Everyone has a different story. It doesn’t mean, if someone does or achieves something certain way, you have to do it like that too. Absolutely not! You do it your own special way. You were born an original. When you see other people’s successes whether online or in the real life, celebrate those successes and let them be a reminder that you can do anything that you desire too. Don’t get jealous, competitive or think they are better than you. Focus on yourself and enjoy your own unique journey.


Create your dream vision board. Find pictures in magazines or flyers that represent what you want to achieve in your life. Cut them out and place them on a poster board, which you can buy in any stationary shop. Place this board on the wall where you are going to be able to see it every day (it can be your office or any room you spend most of your time). This will keep you motivated and focused on your dreams. When I was learning to fly, I created a vision board with many pictures of aeroplanes and powerful, inspiring messages. This kept me focused on my dream of becoming a pilot. Every time I felt demotivated and discouraged (but not only then), I looked at my vision board and it reminded me why I want to do this and my energy shifted instantly. So get creative and make your own vision board today!

Yes, your dreams can come true!

Beautiful girl in jacket standing next to war aircraft. Retro photo.We all have dreams, desires, something we really want to accomplish in our lives. It can be something we have always been dreaming of ever since we were children. Something which makes us very excited every time we think about it, but we never had the courage to do it.

I always dream big, and I believe my dreams can come true no matter how unrealistic they may seem to others. We are all allowed to choose whatever we want to do in this life. After all, we are souls with a free will (when we look at this life from a higher perspective). I am very pleased to say, many of my dreams became reality thank to my strong will, perseverance, hard work and a support from some fantastic people. This is the reason why I chose this topic, and I believe I can give you some useful tips from my own experience how not to give up on your dreams even when you are feeling discouraged, you’ve lost your confidence and everybody is telling you your dreams are just too big for you.

To accomplish something great in your life is not an easy journey. I can talk a lot about my own challenges. For example when I was learning to fly. Sometimes I took three steps forward, another time five steps back. Even though I wanted to become a private pilot so much, I sometimes created many excuses when things got difficult (as many of us do) e.g. this is so hard, I can’t see myself flying solo, English isn’t my first language, some of the flying maneuverers are just too scary to face, I don’t like maths and physics, and many other excuses of that kind. Luckily, amongst all those excuses, I always believed in myself and I never gave up. I didn’t hang around in this state of mind for too long. Instead, I focused on what I had to do in the moment and I learned to motivate myself on a daily basis. This is what helped me moving towards my dream even when fears, excuses and obstacles crossed my path. And so can you…no matter how difficult or “unreal” your dream may seem. If it’s important to you, you will always find a way. If not, you will find an excuse. You are capable of achieving your dream if you are willing to do the hard work, focus, persevere, step out of your comfort zone and face your fears. No matter how old you are or how long it can take. Are you ready?

I have a list of tips, which can help you on your own exciting journey towards your dreams. Take whatever feels right for you and discard what doesn’t. This is your journey and only you decide what you want to do with it.


This is a first tip and it is crucial. You have to believe in yourself to make your dream come true. Who is going to believe in you, if you don’t believe in yourself? Theodore Roosevelt said: “Believe in yourself and you are halfway there!” I can’t agree more.


To accomplish anything in your life, you always have to take action and you have to be disciplined. Start doing something right now, which will get you closer to your dream (do your research, read a book on your chosen subject, take a weekend course which will give you more information about what you want to accomplish, talk to people who have done it and are successful in what you want to do). Then, the hard work starts. Do something every single day that will get you even closer to your dream, even if it’s only for 15 minutes. Study hard and make yourself proud. You can do anything you set your mind to. If it’s important to you, you will make it happen. Have discipline and keep going. I would also like to add visualisation exercise to this process. I am a great believer in the effectiveness of visualisation. I always use this powerful tool and it works. When you visualise, you can easily attract what you want into your life. If you have ever daydreamed, I am sure you know exactly what I mean. Visualise and feel the feelings of how you would like to feel once your dream is manifested (fly that plane, sing on that stage, run the marathon etc.). Go as far as possible in your visualisation and feel those good feelings now. Visualise people congratulating you on your big success and feel proud of yourself now. This is a fantastic tool and I strongly advice you to add it to your daily routine when taking action.


When you decide to do something and it’s something “out of ordinary”, it may scare some people around you. There will be people who will tell you that your dream is just too big for you, you don’t have the grades to start that course, you are just not strong enough, wise enough, pretty enough to do that. My advice? Don’t listen to those people. The reason they tell you those things, it’s because they think, they can’t do it. But that’s their reality, not yours. Sometimes, they may get worried and want to protect you from getting disappointed. That’s fine too. Always be polite and say: “Thank you for your concern, but I believe in myself and I am willing to try and see if I can do this. It may not be easy, but I am up for the challenge!” Surround yourself with positive people who believe in you. They will always support you and encourage you on your journey.


Focus is so important in the process of working towards your dream. You’ve made an important decision what you want to do. Now, you have the opportunity to manifest this dream into your reality. Don’t let anything or anyone distract you. Always remember you are more than capable of accomplishing whatever you have decided to do. From a spiritual perspective there is a divine reason why this dream (this idea) came to you. Follow it! I am not saying it’s going to be easy, I am saying, it’s going to be worth it! Obstacles always come our way, but they are teaching us some important lessons. Trust and know no matter how long it takes: You can do it!

Good luck my friends and remember YOU CAN DO ANYTHING YOU SET YOUR MIND TO!

If you have any further questions or comments, please send them to: and I will be happy to answer them.