When your inner voice keeps saying no…

A few months ago, I had an interesting experience you may be able to relate to. I have been contacted by somebody, who at first appeared as a friendly social media follower, but after exchanging a few emails with this person, I suddenly began feeling a little uncomfortable. This lady, had some nice things to say about my work, which I really appreciated, but I felt it was just a sugar-coating, while she was trying to convince me to do something I didn’t feel called to do. After a little while, I began finding her attitude a bit pushy, and feeling some form of resistance every time her email appeared in my inbox. My inner voice kept saying to end the conversation, but in this instance, for some reason, I carried on with the emailing for much longer than I should’ve done. I wanted to be polite, and perhaps re-affirm all the nice things she said about me and my work. Fortunately, one morning, the voice of my soul stepped in again, as it usual does when I stop listening. I was reminded of an article I wrote last year titled: “Learning to say NO” https://www.mysticbutterfly.co.uk/learningtosayno/ I used to had real struggles saying no, and here I was, yet again, lost in confusion of trying to please someone on my account. After reading the article, I made the decision to end the conversation politely and finally did without feeling any guilt. And you? Do you listen to your inner voice or not? Be honest with yourself. That is the first step which will align you to your truth. I hope the suggestions listed below inspire you.

Are you listening to your inner voice?

Are you listening to your inner voice or are you denying it? All of us are able to hear it, but we often dismiss it. First of all, you need to learn how to recognise your inner voice form the voice of fear. The voice of fear is controlling, manipulating and it creates worry within you. The voice of your inner guidance is loving, comforting and it tells you the truth, no matter what it is. You’ll feel the difference. The best and the easiest way is to begin hearing your inner voice is by stilling your mind.

How do you still your mind?

Stilling your mind has a mysterious healing and calming effect. My first suggestion is to begin focusing your attention on the present moment as much as possible. Present moment is the only place where the true life exists. Our minds are often future tripping and wandering back to the past. When you find yourself there and start to feel uncomfortable, take a deep breath and ask yourself: “Where am I?” And you know, thar you are right here in this current moment and that’s all that matters right now. My second suggestion is meditation. Meditation is a beautiful practice that can help you still your mind. If you are new to mediation, check out this page on my website: https://www.mysticbutterfly.co.uk/meditation/ 

The energy and the vibes you get often tell the truth

The more you raise your frequency to a higher levels of consciousness, and that is by regular meditation and relaxation practices, you will start noticing your inner voice getting louder and clearer. The more you focus on the present moment, the easier you pick on the vibes other people give you.

When your inner voice keep saying no, keep listening to it

There is an incredible wisdom within you, a wisdom that is longing to be heard. It is a wisdom that comes from your soul, and it is up to you, whether you choose to listen to it or not. I know, that in the physical world, there are times, when it is required to rely on our logical minds, but this doesn’t apply to everything. Listen to your inner voice too.

*A thought to keep*

“Your inner voice is the voice of divinity. To hear it, we need to be in solitude, even in crowded places.” ~A. R. Rahman 

Nobody’s ‘perfect’ & the truth about my perfectionism

At a young age, I acquired a habit of perfectionism. Perfectionism is a tendency to set high standards, and a belief that things need to be done certain way. In some ways, my perfectionism serves me well. I don’t take things for granted, I am punctual, reliable and I keep my promises. When I say I will do something, I’m going to do it, and I do it the best way I can. This has always been my strength. But, there is also a down side of being a perfectionist. This habit sometimes brings unnecessary pressure and anxiety into my life. I remember, when I started writing and teaching, I really began noticing how controlling my perfectionism can be. I would find myself checking every single article dozens and dozens of times, only to find out later, there are still grammatical mistakes there after it’s been published. This would make me feel very edgy and under constant pressure. The same applies to my speaking. I am over-careful with the way I speak and with my pronunciation. I easily notice grammatical mistakes in myself and others, even though I know I’m not perfect myself, and I never will be. It can be exhausting.

But lately, I am learning to see things differently…

English is not my first language, so it will always be a little tricky at times. I know, that when I’m tired, the words don’t always flow through me as easily and effortlessly, comparing to when I feel good. I know, it’s not about the spelling or my pronunciation. It’s about the message I am sharing with the world. I am gradually letting go of the impossible perfection, by being more real and being more me. Of course, there is nothing wrong with striving for high standards. But, this is what I keep in mind now: The people who are drawn to my work, don’t come there to check my grammar or to focus on the way I speak. They come, because they seek comfort in the messages I share. So, I am creating, launching and learning along the way. And I am very excited about all of my creations. I know, they will always reach the right people, the people who are meant to find them. I keep reminding myself, that nobody’s perfect, to relax and go with the flow. Listed bellow are four of my favourite ways how I deal with my perfectionism habit. If you see yourself as a perfectionist too, may these suggestions inspire you.

1) Create, launch and learn

I learned now, that if I waited for everything to be perfect, I would never create anything at all. None of my articles, poems, songs or podcasts would exist. I’ve made the decision to create, to launch and learn along the way. We are all full of inspiring ideas, which are waiting to be expressed in this physical reality we live in. Don’t wait, don’t hide and get them out to the world. Your unique voice matters.

2) Ask for feedback

I ask for feedback all the time. Some feedback can be more difficult to receive than other, but I welcome other’s opinions. It’s nice to see someone else’s perspective. It’s a great learning experience, and it always helps me improve my work. We only see the world through our own filters, it is also beneficial to be open to a different point of view.

3) Be proud of you and your work

Be proud of you and your work my friend. You are good enough, just as you are. You have nothing to prove to anybody. Just do your best in any given moment. You and your work matter. Your dreams came to you for a reason, and it’s your job to bring them to the world.

4) Relax and have fun

Creating is a fun process. Let’s keep it that way. Life is such a beautiful journey, and it’s a waste of time to be putting an extra pressure on ourselves for things to look perfect. Do what makes you happy and have fun along the way. You are always learning and always growing. Have fun!

What does being courageous mean to you?

What does being courageous mean to you? Does it mean stepping out of your comfort zone and facing your fears, which can lead you towards accomplishing something great? Does it mean asking someone on a date or finally making that phone call you were too afraid to make? In what area of your life would you like to be more courageous today? The truth is, courage gives us freedom, confidence and often brings new, exciting opportunities into our lives. To me, having courage also means to live fully in my truth. That means being fully myself without denying my true self and be who I really came here to be. I am constantly mastering this lesson, and even though I sometimes slip and detour where I don’t want to go, I take a deep breath, forgive myself and set on the path of authenticity again. This week, I would love to share with you three areas of life, where I believe, we can all become more courageous.

1) Have the courage to be yourself

I recently launched a podcast where I shared a little bit about my story. I talked about how I used to struggle loving and accepting myself for who I am. At an early age, I came to a conclusion that I was not good enough and weird. I created a belief system that I needed to impress people, so they would like me and accepted me. It was as an exhausting way of living. As I grew older and realised this is not the way I want to live my life, I set off on a journey to learn how to start loving and accepting myself fully. It was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. I learned, that there is a beauty in my truth and I want to share it with everyone I meet. So, how about you? Are you being true to yourself or are you currently feeling lost in this area? You may not be brave enough to own your truth, because of the beliefs passed onto you by others and also yourself. Take a deep breath. You are not alone. Many people live this way and it is quite a shame because you are a unique soul. There is nobody like you and there is never going to be anybody like you. Why waste this precious life to compare yourself to other people or try being somebody you are not?  Having the courage to be your true self is one of the best decisions you’ll ever make.


Here is a powerful exercise from one of my favourite teachers, Louise Hay. Stand in front of a mirror, look into your own eyes and say: “I love you (Your Name). What can I do for you today to make you happy?” I started practising this exercise, around 8 years ago and it made a huge impact on my life. This beautiful act of self-love will set you off on a path of loving and accepting yourself for who you are.

2) Have the courage to say how you feel

Many of us don’t express how we really feel. We sometimes say yes, when we mean no and don’t really express ourselves fully. When you don’t express how you really feel, you are shutting down the voice of your soul and you are again, denying the truth of who you are. A while back, I wrote an article titled: Learning to say ‘NO’If this is something you struggle with, you can read it here: https://www.mysticbutterfly.co.uk/learningtosayno/


Here is a quick exercise for you: Next time somebody asks you, if you can do something for them, ask yourself: “How do I feel about this? Do I really want to do this or am I just saying yes to be nice, so the other person will still like me?” Always enquire within. When you do that, you get the answer from the direct source, from your soul. It may come to you straight away or a bit later. You can always tell the person (who is asking for the favour), that you will think about their request and you’ll get back to them.

3) Have the courage to pursue your dreams

I meet many talented people who are passionate about something, but they are just not courageous enough to pursue their dreams. They believe that success belongs to someone else, someone who in their eyes may look like they have it all figured out. Nobody has it all figured out. If you have a dream, it definitely came to you for a reason. The reason it came to you, is because are the perfect person to bring it to this reality.


Here are couple of things you can do every single day, that can lead you closer to your dream: start reading a book which talks about the subject you are passionate about, do some research, ask questions, get inspired by the people who are already doing what you would love to do, write down the steps you need to take….). A little step every day is better than no step at all. Get busy and start bringing your dream into reality.

A thought to keep

‘If you have the courage to begin, you have the courage to succeed’ ~ David Viscott

Five simple ways to feel more joyful

When you feel good, you feel free, happy and in those beautiful moments you begin to believe that anything is possible. What a beautiful way to live and an incredible state of mind to be in. Wouldn’t it be wonderful to just let go of the seriousness of the adult life and feel joyful more often? Well, of course you can do that. You can choose to do that right now in this moment. I understand that life sometimes presents us with challenges (some not so easy to deal with), but we can always choose how we are going to respond to these challenges. So, let’s take a different approach. Let’s start looking at them from our soul’s perspective. Let’s shift our perspective on life in general, so we can start feeling more joyful today. Listed bellow are five of my favourite ways that can start you off. May they inspire you.

1) Choose beautiful thoughts

You are the only thinker in your mind. Nobody is choosing your thoughts for you, only you. Isn’t it wonderful to know that you have a choice?  So, choose the positive thoughts today. Choose thoughts of love, peace, kindness, choose the thoughts of possibility. Beautiful thoughts create beautiful feelings and if you read my blog regularly, you know I often say that our feelings have a lot to do with what we are attracting into our lives.

2) Dream big

Dreams keep up us alive, excited about the future and they make us happy. It’s amazing to dream and of course, you are allowed to dream big. You and only you decide what’s possible for you. This is your life and you can choose what you want to do with it. Having this knowing is already very liberating. Fly as high as you want to fly. Focus on what you desire and don’t let others distract you from your dreams.

3) Notice the blessings that surround you

There are so many blessings around you. Open your eyes and really look around. Beautiful sunrise, a loving family, a caring co-worker, magical nature….Notice these amazing blessings. They are already giving you the reason to feel more joyful today.

 4) Have fun

Life is meant to be joyful and adventurous while gaining experiences along the way. When we reach adult lives, many of us become very serious and forget to enjoy the journey. Many of us don’t remember the child-like wonder and excitement we used to experience. What holds us back to have this beautiful outlook on life again? Choose to have some fun today and every day. Explore, adventure, laugh and feel the freedom this amazing Universe offers you.

5) Be Yourself

Being yourself is one of the most beautiful gifts you can give to yourself and to this world. By being your true self, you also inspire others, so they can begin to see the beauty in their own authenticity. Choose to be your beautiful self today. It feels amazing. Shine your light and let others see the beautiful soul that you truly are.

A bonus affirmation: 

‘I am in charge of how I feel and today I choose happiness’ 

Creative manifesting

Manifesting is a subject that attracts many people these days. More and more people are realising how powerful they really are. Many are discovering that their thoughts and beliefs, but most importantly the emotions they put underneath these thoughts and beliefs, create their reality. As far as this is true, there is little bit more to it, of course. I am currently in the process of manifesting too. This has inspired me to talk about creative manifesting and share with you some techniques that are assisting me with my own manifestations. First and foremost I would you like to know, that your dreams can definitely come true. Believe in yourself and believe in your dreams. These dreams came to you for a reason, and it is up to you whether you choose to pursue them. The great thing about manifesting is that it can also be a very fun and a creative process. I often remind myself of a beautiful and an empowering quote by Pablo Picasso: “Everything you can imagine is real.” Keep this quotation in your mind throughout the process of manifesting. I would also like to suggest, that you also do your own research on manifesting, beside reading this blog. Different points of view resonate with different people. What I’m about to suggest here, is what resonates with me and may speak to some of you, but not to all of you. Take what feels right to you and leave the rest out. And last, but not least, trust yourself and know that it is up to you to decide what’s possible for you and what isn’t. You are a powerful soul with a free will and you create your own reality. This is your life and you choose what you want to do with it. So, let’s start manifesting.


First of all, become clear about what you would like to manifest in your life. This is very important. Having clarity is the key to a successful manifesting. Write your desire down on a piece of paper or in your journal. For example, if you would like to manifest a dream holiday, be specific about it. Write down: Where is the holiday? When would you like to go: in the summer or in the winter? What airline are you flying with? Where are you staying? Is there a balcony with a lovely view from your guest room? How are you feeling? What activities are you doing while you there? Who are you with? I know, that not everyone wants to manifest a holiday (there may be other things and there are far more important things you would like to manifest), but this is just an example to demonstrate what clarity looks like. Having clarity is important, but having no attachment to the outcome is important too (I will come to that a bit later).

A feel good state

When you feel good, you are set on a high and happy frequency. This is how you can easily become like a magnet to you desires. Put yourself in a state of joy. Ask yourself: What makes me feel good? To put yourself into a joyful state, try the following: Watch a funny film that makes you laugh, play with your pet, go for a walk and connect with nature, get your journal and start listing things you are grateful for. These are just a few suggestions that can set you on a joyful frequency. Once you on it, let’s go deeper.

Meditative state

Find a comfortable place where you are not going to be disturbed for a few minutes. If you are new to meditation, I suggest sitting in a chair with your feet firmly planted on the ground. Begin taking deep breaths, slowly and deeply. Once you feel calm and centred, place your attention into your heart centre (the heart chakra). Breathe slowly and deeply for a few rounds focusing on your heart. All is well and you are safe and secure. Next, you are going to ground yourself. Ground yourself by visualising a roots coming out through your feet, like a roots of a tree. Visualise these roots growing deeper and deeper into the Earth, until they reach the centre of the Earth. Don’t judge how this vision comes about, just notice. Now, you are grounded and supported to all that is bellow. Next, you are going to connect yourself to the rest of the Universe. Visualise a beam of light coming out from the crown of your head (the crown chakra) spiralling upwards. This beam of light is connecting you to the rest of the Universe, to the infinity, to ALL THAT IS. Don’t judge how you visualise this, be an observer of it. Now, you are connected to all the that is above. Relish in this experience for a few more deep breaths and feel the support you are feeling from above and from bellow.

Tuning in

Once you are in the meditative state, we can begin tuning into your desire. To manifest something, you must tune into it. Visualise, what it would feel like to have it in your life now. Feel what it would be like to be who you want to be. Feel the feelings of already feeling how you want to feel once your desire is manifested. Visualise this in front of you. Once you clearly see it, step into that version of yourself as if you were taking a step forward. Step into your desire and feel how you resonate with it even more. Feel it within the whole level of your being. Act as if that version of yourself already exists and you perfectly tuned yourself into it. When you are ready, open your eyes and take time getting back to your daily chores.

Have fun & not specific expectations

This is one of the most important things. Have fun in the process of manifesting. I know your desire it’s important to you, but have fun manifesting it. Don’t be too specific how it should come into your life and be open to any possibilities. It’s great to have clarity as I mentioned at the beginning, but you need to be open to the possibilities how it’s going to happen. Be creative, but have no attachment to the outcome. Have no expectations and be open. Notice signs and synchronicities that will be presenting themselves to you. Some of the greatest manifestations I experienced came in by the most unexpected ways, the ways that wouldn’t even cross my mind. This is one of the most beautiful things about manifesting. Remember, the positive energy that you feel now is all that is needed to empower your desire and make it a reality. You are fully supported by the entire Universe and by many seen and unseen forces. Trust and know this.

And once again, please remember:

“Everything you can imagine is real.” ~ Pablo Picasso

The beauty of appreciation

Last Monday was a rainy day. When the clouds finally disappeared and the sun came out (almost in the late afternoon), I decided to go out for a walk. I wrapped up warm and headed out. I love the smell of the air after the rain. The rain somehow clears the entire energy and all of the sudden, everything feels refreshed and energised. I often find, I even get a clearer perspective on life in general. I had a lovely walk for a couple of hours, and started to feel more awake and full of energy. As I was approaching home, being just about five minutes away, it began to drizzle again. In that moment I thought to myself: “Isn’t incredible, that now, I am almost home, it’s starting to rain again? Surely, the Universe knows how much I needed this walk, so the rain stopped and kept me dry for a couple of hours.” I fully acknowledged that moment with appreciation and smiled. When I got home, I made myself a cup of tea and decided to write about the beauty of appreciation. Appreciation is a wonderful way to feel good fast. It clear our busy minds of any unwanted thoughts and t’s also an act of loving kindness towards our beautiful selves.

What will daily appreciation do for you

  • It will help you shift your vibration to a higher (positive) frequencies
  • It will help you become kinder and more compassionate towards yourself and others
  • You will become a more positive person
  • You will have a fresher perspective on life
  • When you appreciate what you have, you will attract more to appreciate

One of my favourite appreciation exercises

I recently, started practising this exercise and the results are incredible. Every day, I tell myself how much I appreciate myself. Every single day, I send thoughts of appreciation to every cell and every part of my body. I thank my body for doing such a great job and working for me as it should. I send love and gratitude to my soul. I appreciate my soul for looking after me, during this life’s journey we are experiencing together. It is extremely uplifting and makes me feel amazing every time. It is also a wonderful exercise to practise before you go to sleep, instead of worrying what you have to deal with tomorrow.

Appreciate your loved ones, your friends, even strangers

This is another exercise to include into your daily life. Think about the people you appreciate: your family members, friends, work colleagues, even the strangers who impacted your life in positive way today. Send these people good thoughts. By doing so, you are letting them know energetically, how grateful you are for them and to them. You can also write your thoughts down in your diary or on a piece of paper. I also love sending emails, texts and a little appreciation notes. I love acknowledging the great customer service I received from someone and email a positive reviews. It only takes a few minutes of my time, it feels incredible and people appreciate it.

Appreciate what is working in your life, instead of focusing on what isn’t

If you really think about the above statement, I’m sure you can find many things that are working for you right now. For example: Right now, you are reading this blog. You have the eyes to see, the time to read, a computer or a phone and the internet connection (feel free to add to the list). You have so much going on for you. Get a pen and paper again and write down the things that are currently working in your life. Sit in stillness and let the voice of your soul guide you. It is in the quiet moments when we tune inward, we are able to access the wisdom that lies within us, and obtain some great reminders of our truth and the things that really matter in life.

“Enjoy the little things in life, for one day you may look back and realise they were the big things.”

Transformation, healing & the strength of your soul

Last week, I taught a class about the art of living in your truth. My students and I were discussing how much our deeply rooted limiting beliefs, often acquired in childhood, can still control our adult lives. We accepted many labels, which unfortunately, became part of our identity. As we journey through life, we get so used to denying our truth and many of us become ashamed of our vulnerability. We want to look good in the eyes of others, so we pretend. Nicole Lyons said: The deepest pain I ever felt was denying my own feelings to make everyone else comfortable.’ I can’t agree more. I have been there far too many times and these words are speaking to me directly, as I’m working through some deeply rooted wounds myself these days. Denying our truth can bring many dark thoughts and emotions up to the surface. You deserve to feel good and you deserve to start experiencing a beautiful transformation and healing. I would like to share with you couple of ways how I deal with these kind of thoughts and emotions. These tips are serving me well and I believe they can inspire you.

The beauty of acceptance

I used to suffer from anxiety. I wasn’t anxious just once in a while or had an occasional panic attack. The kind of anxiety I experienced, wasn’t going away and was with me 24/7. The only time I wasn’t aware of it, was when I was asleep. After about 4 years of trying just about everything to heal myself, I learnt to live with it. I made a choice of accepting it. Little did I know at the time, this was my saviour and the catalyst of an amazing change. What I discovered, was accepting and co-operating with the dark thoughts I was experiencing, instead of pushing them away began to liberate me. Slowly, but surely I began experiencing a fleeting moments of joy coming into my life. I started noticing beauty around me, by being more engaged in the present moment. I began acknowledging and being grateful for any good moment in my life, despite my thoughts and emotions being unpleasant 95% of the time. Whether I experienced just a five minutes of peace, I was thankful. If that was all I had that day, I was okay with it. In time, minutes became hours, hours became days. I remember so clearly, when I could say: ‘Today was a good day.’ I will always remember and treasure that moment. Resisting dark thoughts didn’t help. When I was fighting them, it felt like I was fighting part of myself. On the contrary, accepting them and opening my heart and mind to focus on the good around me worked beautifully. Appreciate the moments when you are happy, no matter how brief they may be. What you focus on, always expands. During the darkest times of my life, I learnt the beauty of acceptance. Every time I have an unpleasant thoughts, I don’t try to fight them or quickly fix them, instead, I accept them and go with the flow. Then, I focus on what I’m thankful for and watch my energy shift.

When suppressed emotions come up to the surface

I don’t like complaining. I often deal with any unpleasant emotions on my own. This is what we introverts do. But, ever since I stepped on the path of healing my past wounds I learnt, that sharing with others how I feel, instead of pretending that all is okay, can be incredibly therapeutic. Many of us suppress our emotions. When I used to deal with an anxiety attacks, I became very good at hiding my feelings, especially in front of my work colleagues or at any public gatherings. At the time, I didn’t realise, how much damage I was actually causing to my entire being. Then one day, somebody made a comment, which probably didn’t seem like a big deal to the person or any external observer, but hurt me so deeply, I bursted into tears. This is what suppressed emotions did to me. We suppress and pretend, and then one day somebody says something and we break down.

How I deal with suppressed emotions

Many of us suppress emotions with distractions such as alcohol, over-working, needy relationships, drugs, social media or hiding behind false masks. I decided not to do that to myself anymore. Instead, I feel my emotions. I feel what’s coming up for me and talk to the emotion. I ask: What are you trying to tell me? What are you trying to teach me? What am I unwilling to let go of?’ I also write. Writing is extremely therapeutic and can help you release many unpleasant feelings. Express yourself on a page of your diary. It’s yours and you can tell it exactly how you feel, without editing yourself. Another way I deal with my emotions is by meditating. I sit with my feelings, observe what is going on and I do this without judgement. If you are new to meditation and would like to find out more, I dedicated a whole page of my website to it: https://www.mysticbutterfly.co.uk/meditation/ I also strongly suggest to speak to someone. Talk to a close friend and share how you feel. If you feel like your emotions are getting out of control, please talk to a professional. I used to see a fantastic counsellor. She was extremely supportive and helped me to work through many of my issues. After every session I felt an incredible relief.

Be gentle with yourself

Only you can decide, whether you want to be holding on to the darkness or you are willing to rise above it and finally let it go. When you begin, don’t be hard on yourself and expect things to change overnight. It took you a while to gather all these unpleasant emotions, so it won’t take one day to let them all ago. It is okay to be vulnerable. That is where your strength lies. Be patient with yourself and most importantly, accept yourself for who you are. That is the first step to start living a better life and experience transformation and healing.

‘One day you will look back and see that all along you were blooming’

~Morgan Harper Nichols

Own your uniqueness

In the early hours of 1st January 2018, I was scrolling down my Instagram feed. I have been amazed by so many of you sharing your summaries of the last year. You talked about your amazing highlights, such as marriage proposals, adventures, achievements and what you are thankful for. But some of you, also shared your difficulties and challenges of 2017, and how ready you are for a new beginnings. Reading your posts inspired me and I had to start writing. I honour you for sharing your truth. I want to remind you how beautiful, unique and inspiring you all are. Every single one of you have something amazing within you that nobody else has. I want you to know, that your challenges can only make you stronger, and when you open up about them, it’s a sign of your strength not your weakness. By sharing your truth, you are not only giving others the permission to talk about their own concerns without shame or worry, you are also helping them to heal their wounds. Life is not always about sunshine, rainbows and butterflies (even though I love that idea), but a lot about learning.

It is a privilege to be yourself

I believe it is my greatest challenge, but also my greatest honour to be a messenger of my truth. I once sat in meditation and received an intuitive guidance from my soul. My soul shared with me, that one day I will be teaching others about truth. What was my response at the time? Me? The person who is so ashamed of her fears, anxieties and worries? The person, who is trying so hard to hide all of this, how can she teach others about truth?” At first, I denied this message and got on with my life. A few years passed and I remembered the guidance. I finally understood my responsibility, and I realised I had to share my truth with the world. I had to start writing about it, speaking about it and teaching others how to own their truth. I can’t imagine a better use of my time now. Your truth is who you are and there is no need to pretend to be anybody else. It is a privilege to be yourself, despite your past or anything you might be ashamed of. Your stories make you YOU. Everyone has some chapters in their life they don’t read out loud, so forgive yourself. I am not suggesting you should be sharing everything with everyone publicly. Not at all. What I’m suggesting is to start owning your unique story and become, first and foremost honest with yourself.

Own your uniqueness

When I read your stories on Instagram that early morning, I was so moved how so many of you shared so openly your struggles and your inspiring lives. This told me, that the world is changing and we are shifting to a higher levels of consciousness, where we want to be of service to others. What a beautiful way of living. Owning your uniqueness requires courage and by expressing that courage you step out of the victim zone. Your challenges are your greatest lessons and when you embrace them, rather then become a victim of them, you win. My darkest days brought the most light and blessings into my life. They lead me to my life’s purpose. They taught be so many amazing things. They allowed me to connect with so many incredible people and also taught me that when I look at life from a higher perspective, it is not about me, but about all of us as a collective. Own your unique story that makes you YOU dear friend.

A thought to keep

‘Embrace and fully express the uniqueness and the beauty of who you are.’ 

Climbing to the next level

Happy New Year my friends! We’ve just closed the door to the old year and welcomed 2018. Can you believe it? How was 2017 for you? Was it a good year or are you glad it is finally over? The truth is, most of us get very excited at the beginning of every New Year. We are looking forward to a fresh starts, setting brand new intentions and hoping our dreams will finally come true. The whole concept of the New Year brings the feelings of excitement, a form of clarity and a new chances. I’ve also set an intention for 2018, and that is to take my work to the next level. I have been writing and inspiring people for a few years now. I believe being a spiritual teacher and a writer is my life’s purpose. I have tried many great things in life, but those two roles bring the most joy to my soul. Ever since I began the journey of being more and more true to myself, my path began making more sense. I am letting go of what is no longer serving me and making space for the things that are really meant for me. I believe that when we become really honest with ourselves, we find ourselves on the path that can lead us to the work we came here to do. So this year, I want to carry on with the brave way of living (of being true to myself) and adding a New Year’s resolution to take my work to the next level. I have written down a few steps I’m going to follow throughout the year, as I set on this journey, and decided to share them with you. So if you haven’t set any intentions for this year yet, I believe these suggestions can inspire you.

Do the work that brings you joy

When I teach, when I write or share in any way the messages I believe in so deeply and I am excited about, I am in a state of joy. In those moments my soul shines, I feel empowered and I feel incredibly inspired. I believe it is my responsibility to share my work with the world and this way inspire others to do the same. This is the reason I am fully ready step into it now! And you? Have you been wanting to do something for a while, but never had the courage to step out of your comfort zone? Do you feel like you lack confidence, the right resources or don’t have anyone who can support you in your dream? My suggestion is to just begin. You can start on a very small scale. Begin from where you are. Take that first brave step, perhaps do some research or ask the questions you were afraid to ask before. When you take that courageous first step, you will set up on the journey of a new and exciting adventure. There will be challenges, there will be obstacles, but there will also be successes and learning opportunities. When you begin, your path will become clearer and your dream will get closer. Stop procrastinating and think of the reasons why you should take that important first step. The time is now. Begin my friend. 2018 is your year.

Embrace your fears

I learned that accepting my fears and co-operating with them are the two important ways to overcome them. What always helped me and I practise daily, is having an empowering self-talk. We talk to ourselves all the time, more than we talk to other people, so at least let’s make this internal dialogue an empowering one. It can go something like this: “Even though, I am a bit scared right now, I am willing to accept these feelings. I am going to work with this fear in the best ability I can. I am not going to judge myself for my fear, I will rather accept it, because I love and accept myself just the way I am. I know, I am always doing my best. I will try to face this situation and I will see what happens. All of this is is a great learning opportunity and I love learning new lessons. I know, I will always turn these lessons into my advantage. I never fail, even if things don’t go according to my plans. What is well known as a failure, I call a required experience, which can help me grow in many ways. Even though, I am in a bit of fear right now, I am willing to try this, and I will see what happens.” Give it a go and see, if it works for you.

Speak your truth, even if your voice shakes

This has been a huge lesson for me and I am constantly embracing it. I love myself and accept myself for who I am, even the parts I used to dislike. I know my strength lies in my vulnerability, which I was too ashamed to express before. I know I am good enough, just the way I am. I am learning to speak my truth in confidence and be who I really came here to be. My soul is my greatest guide and it reminds me every day, that it is okay to be me and to be proud of being me. Stand out in your truth, rather than try to fit-in to be like everyone else. Be your beautiful self.

There is no point to hide, to pretend or to invest your precious energy into something that is not worth your time

My friends, please, read the above statement once again. Start enjoying the beauty of this human life to the fullest. Stop investing your precious time and energy into things that don’t matter. You know the difference. Just ask yourself, how it makes you feel. That’s your answer. Let go of the things you cannot change and start going more with a flow. Focus on things that matter.

It’s time to shine.

It’s your time to shine. You have so many amazing gifts within you that nobody else has. Be not afraid to show them to the world. Your soul longs to express itself in a creative ways, so let it. You are an incredible being who deserves to shine like the brightest star in the sky. So shine, beautiful soul.

‘May this new year be a step forward, in leading you to new adventures, new roads to explore and new success to reach.’

A little note to say ‘Thank you’

Here we are, in the second half of December, and with it, comes my last article of the year. I will be checking in with you again in the New Year, precisely on 2nd January 2018. Well, what a year has it been. I can say with confidence, it was quite an interesting one for me. There has been ups and downs, highs and lows, but those of you who know me or are familiar with my work know, I focus my energy on the positive and turn any challenges I face into a required lessons that always serve me in an incredible way.

One of my highlights of 2017, was meeting so many incredible people around the entire world. Some of you, who I initially met online, I finally managed to meet in person. Wow! I must say, our paths were meant to cross. I am so grateful to call you my friends now. I hope our friendships will flourish and I will get to know you better in time. My gratitude also goes to all of you amazing people, who have been supporting me on my journey, ever since I founded Mystic Butterfly. I am extremely appreciative of every single one of you. I am thankful for brightening my days with your lovely comments, telling me how much you appreciate my work, but most importantly how much it is helping you! Thank you for trusting me and sharing your life’s stories with me. I promise you, I will continue to support you in the New Year. I really hope I will meet more of you in person in 2018, when my work reaches another level. Of course, I’m not forgetting my lovely family and friends, whom I’ve known for many years. I love you so much and appreciate you all.

What’s planned for Mystic Butterfly in 2018

I have a lot prepared for the New Year. There will be new classes, workshops, weekly blogs, videos, many interesting projects and also a big surprise. Get excited, because I have a lot to share with you. I want you to feel good. I want you to align more with your truth, so you can enjoy this journey called life even more. I believe it is my divine responsibility to be of service to you and remind you of your true essence, your magnificence and the beauty you all posses. You deserve to flourish and you deserve to have the life you desire. On that note, I want to wish you Happy Holidays and I will leave you today with a wonderful quotation by Marcel Proust.

“Let us be grateful to people who make us happy; they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom” ~ Marcel Proust  

Until next year,

With love, 

Jana x