Patience, please

Couple of weeks ago, I found myself rushing around my local supermarket. It was a murky day outside and quite cold. I was a bit tired and agitated. I wanted to get my shopping done as quickly as possible and get home. On top of that, so it seemed, everybody decided to be in my way. When I was at the fruit section, it was crowded with people. When I went to pick up my tea, there was a woman, who was indecisive about her tea choice, taking over the entire section. It annoyed me. By then, I began feeling frustrated, exhausted and somehow trapped. Why is everybody in my way today? …I asked myself. Then, I suddenly realised, what I was actually doing. I was attacking innocent people in my mind and making myself feel bad at the same time. I acknowledged my own impatience. I had to take a different approach. I’ve decided to step aside for a couple of minutes and take a few, deep breaths. Deep breathing always centres me back in the moment and makes me realise what really matters. After couple of minutes, everything rearranged and I felt so much better. I reminded myself a beautiful quote by Saint Francis de Sales: ‘Have patience with all things, but, first of all with yourself. I was able to finish my shopping, get home and finally relax on the sofa with a cup of nice tea. Listed bellow, are some ideas I would like to share with you about patience. May they inspire you.

Conscious breathing

When I was stressing out in the supermarket, the breath was my saviour. It centred me back in the moment and made me realise what I was actually doing to myself. Whenever you find yourself being impatient, take a few deep breaths. It will centre you back in the moment and will certainly make you feel better.

Daily moments of stillness

Meditation or moments of stillness on a daily basis, can help us become more calm and patient with ourselves and others. Of course, we are all humans and we all detour into the places we often don’t want to go. My suggestion? Find some quiet moments for yourself every day. When you do, you will create a healthy habit, which will serve you in a great way.

Great things take time

We can often become impatient with ourselves while learning new things. We compare ourselves to others and don’t really acknowledge that everyone is on a different path, has a different learning style and speed. It does not matter, if someone does something quicker than you do. Remember that everything takes time. Be patient with your beautiful self. You are doing the best you can. Honour yourself, praise yourself and be patient. Great things do take time.

Patience with other people = Compassion

As I have mentioned at the beginning, I found myself selfish and impatient with all those people, who were probably (without realising) doing the same to myself. We all wanted to get our shopping done and get home. In the moments like these, take a step back and realise, what you are actually doing. You don’t know the other people, their problems or daily challenges. Let’s be more compassionate towards each other, and this will bring more light into our lives and the lives of others.

Patience is a great teacher

Patience is teaching you calmness, letting go and living in the present moment. Every time you find yourself in a situation when you are feeling impatient, ask yourself: What is this situation trying to teach me? Really listen for an answer. It may come to you instantly or a bit later.

Going with the flow

One of the best advises I have ever been given is to go with the flow. Nothing is in a complete control and everything takes time. Life is full of distractions, inconveniences and disturbances. But it is also full of beauty, amazing people, exciting adventures, love and kindness. Choose to go with the flow, and whatever you are facing right now, deal with it as it comes, in the best and most loving way as you possibly can. By going with the flow, you will release the control and become the best version of yourself possible.

‘Patience is a form of wisdom. It demonstrates that we understand the fact that sometimes things must unfold in their own time’

~ Jon Kabat Zinn 

7 Books that changed my life

Books are a pure magic. When we read, we not only escape this reality for a little while (which some people like to do), but most importantly, they educate us. Reading is one of my favourite activities. Whether it’s a good fiction, a self-help or any book about the mysteries of our Universe, I can get lost in it very easily. In this blog, I would like to share with you some of my favourite books, which changed my life in many ways. If any of them speak to you, definitely check it out. Dive deep into that book, and see if the magic that occurred for me happens for you too.

1. You can heal your life ~Louise Hay

This has to be a number one for me. I have learned so much from Louise Hay. She is one of my favourite teachers. You can heal your life is a fantastic book, and its message is very simple: If we love ourselves and think positively, our life can change in a miraculous way. In this book, Louise shares how our thoughts and beliefs create our reality. You can heal your life has sold millions of copies around the world. I always recommend it and gift it to my friends and family. In my opinion, it’s a must read. If you are serious about creating the life you desire, this book is for you.

2. Heal yourself ~Anne Jones

Another great book, which I would recommend to everybody. Anne is an amazing and experienced healer. In this book, she shares some fantastic ideas, how to look after our mind, body and soul on a deeper level. Heal Yourself  is filled with many exercises and also unique symbols, anybody can use and apply to their daily life. If you are thinking to take your spiritual practice to the next level, read this incredible book. It won’t let you down.

3. Embraced by the light ~Betty J. Eadie

In this book, Betty talks about her near-death experience, which changed her life forever. This books is very inspiring and beautifully written. It gives people the hope and the explanation of the unknown that is beyond the veil (in the spirit world). Her experiences, described in the book, make so much sense, and it personally gave me a glimpse of familiarity which I couldn’t understand. I remember when I started reading it, I couldn’t put it down.

4. Miracles Now ~ Gabrielle Bernstein

Gabby is also one of my amazing teachers. I first met her in London, when I began transforming my life and finally ended my never-ending battle with anxiety. She is an author of many great books, but one of my favourites is Miracles Now. This book is easy to read and offers 108 amazing tools anybody can practise. You can open it at any page (the same way you would open a tarot card deck), and what you need to know will be presented to you. The exercises in this book can help you shift your perception to a miracle mindset.

5. Opening to channel ~ Sanaya Roman & Duane Packer

This book has taught me how to connect with my spirit guides and higher self on a deeper level. It also taught me how to trust my intuition more. It is a step-by-step guide to the art of channeling, if this is something you are interested in. It is filled with great meditations and exercises, and it will show you that channeling is a skill that can be learned.

6. Feel the fear and do it anyway ~Susan Jeffers

This brilliant book helped me enormously, when I was dealing with an anxiety attacks and fear in my early twenties. Susan explains that the only way to overcome fear is to face it. One of my favourites affirmations from this book which I use to this day is this: ‘I am powerful and I am loving and I have nothing to fear.’ It changed my life forever. Thank you Susan for writing this incredible book.

7. When ghosts speak ~Mary Ann Winskowski

Last, but definitely not least is When ghosts speak. What an amazing book this is. I must admit, I am a bit of a ghost geek. I’ve always been. Anything paranormal intrigued me ever since I was a little girl. I have been having some unexplainable and mystical experiences from a very young age, which I didn’t understand at the time, and only realised later in life what they actually are. This book talks about what happens, when souls of the deceased refuse to cross over to the the light (to the other side), and become earth-bound. It explains a lot about life and death. If you have ever experienced any unexplainable presence around you, you may find some answers for yourself by reading this book. There is nothing to be scared of. Mary Ann has done a brilliant job explaining the unknown to us in the best way possible. In my opinion- A must read. 

‘ Books are a uniquely portable magic’ ~ Stephen King 

…and the darkness shall fade away

…and the darkness shall fade away


Silence is what we require.

Stillness is what we desire.

Connecting to our deepest truth,

will set us on the path of healing this Earth.


You are so powerful,

you hold the wisdom.

When you’ll go inward,

you’ll find the freedom.


Setting upon the path to seek beauty and peace,

your true self will come forward and the darkness

shall slowly fade away and finally cease.


It will melt away like an ice,

when the sun shines its first warm spring rays on it, 

and you will feel serene, warmer at heart

and recognise the truth this Earth has been longing for centuries.


Everything will make more sense then, 

you will see clearly and hear the real sound of the Earth.

Beauty that will surround you,

will be visible to all your senses,

you’ll feel fulfilled, full of light…no more pain, no more hurt.


You hauntingly recognise this sense of lightness,

it has been whispered to you through your soul from the beginning of your existence.

No more dismissing of this truthful voice now,

no more power given away to your controlled mind. 


Turning inward is liberating you from any painful lies,

and you are beginning to see the darkness slowly fading away,

and finding the true freedom in this beautiful gift, which is your human life.

~ Jana Prackova

Dealing with situations you can’t control

This week’s blog has been inspired by something I’m currently dealing with. Somebody is negotiating something on my behalf, which I have no control over whatsoever. Even tough this is extremely important to me, I know, there is not much I can do. But when I look at it from a spiritual perspective, there are things I actually can do to keep calm, feel at ease, and ready to receive the best possible outcome for me and everyone involved. Most of us believe we have to control every detail of our life. When something doesn’t go the way we expect, we get frustrated, upset and may feel out of control. The truth is, we can’t really control anything. Listed bellow are a few tips, which I find very helpful when letting go of a controlling attitude.

Get still

Allow your mind to rest. Take a few deep breaths and tune inward to the wisdom that lies within you. That’s where your true power lies and that’s how you can shift your perception. This is especially helpful, when you are trying to control any kind of outcomes. Trust and know that all is good, you are safe and truly, there is nothing to worry about. The Universe is taking care of everything. Of course, sometimes, actions are required, but don’t let those actions turn into obsessions, control or chaotic energy. If you do, remind yourself to get still and breathe.

Let go of future tripping

When we are trying to control something, we often create crazy scenarios in our minds. This way, we unnecessarily detour into places we don’t want to go. My suggestion? Focus on the present moment as much as you can. When you are cooking dinner, fully engage your senses to cooking. When you are talking to a friend, don’t let you mind wander. When you are doing any kind activity, be all there. This is the best way to let go of future tripping and stay where your true power lies, in the present moment.

 Feel good

Feeling good about the outcome, no matter what, will immediately put your mind at ease. Here is a tip, how to feel good fast: a quick exercise. Even 10 minutes of exercise in your living room, will get your endorphins up and high, and you will start feeling better. Another of my tips would be reading or listening to something inspiring. I often do this in the morning. It always sets my day right and on a positive frequency. Do whatever makes you feel good. When you feel good, you know that anything is possible.

Ask for a sign

I love this tip. Ask for a sign. My special sign is a butterfly. Every time I see a butterfly, it’s a reminder that I will be okay. I don’t deliberately search for butterflies, they just appear wherever I go, and I see them when I suppose to see them. Whether I see it in an advert on a TV, somebody having a butterfly print on their T-shirt, or they appear physically. Ask for a sign that has some meaning for you, or whatever comes to you first intuitively. This way, you will put your mind at ease, and will know that whatever the outcome will be, you will be okay, and it will work out for the highest good of everyone involved.

Pray and release

When you find yourself trying to control something, recognise your chaotic energy, and be willing to change your mind. Sit in stillness and pray. Prayer is a powerful practice. Doreen Virtue says: “Worry doesn’t help anything, but prayer helps everything.” You can simply say: “Dear Universe (God, Holy Spirit, Higher Power), I surrender this situation to you and I pray for the outcome of the highest good. Thank you.” 

Have no expectations

It is a well known fact, that expectations can lead to disappointments. Expecting something is also a form of control. Be relaxed about the outcome and go with the flow. Trust and know that it will all work out exactly as it should.

And finally…

Use this powerful affirmation: “Today, I refuse to stress myself out about things I cannot control or change. I am choosing to focus my energy on the present moment, because that is where my true power lies, and it is the only place where the real life exists.” 

Recognise your true friends

When I was a child, I didn’t have many friends. I was more of a loner, a quiet child with the rich inner world and a vivid imagination. This has shaped my world. It all changed when I moved to England in 2003. I began travelling a lot, met so many people and made friends around the entire world. I believe some of those friendships created a lifetime bonds and I am very grateful for them. These days we all make new friends through the social media. I have to say, I’ve met many fantastic people this way too.

Life & friendships

In this blog I would like to talk to you about friendships. I want to give you my point of view on recognising true friendships from the fake, and when to let go and move away from certain people. Being on a spiritual path always reveals some incredible secrets to us. But most importantly, it sharpens our intuition, which doesn’t only allow us to see the big picture of the life in general, but it also helps us easily pick on vibes from others. What is intuition? Intuition is the link between our physical side and our soul. It is that quiet voice, which whisper to us all day long. Some call it a gut feeling. It tells us many amazing things we need to know. It sends us signs, presenting us with synchronicities, but also warnings messages. I am sure you all had a feeling that someone shouldn’t be trusted, only to find out later that you were right. That was a message from your soul. Having a healthy friendships is an incredible gift. So how do we recognise the real ones?  Listed bellow are couple of suggestions I would like to discuss with you.

A few important points

But before I start, I want to point few things out. First, this is not to blame or point my finger at anyone. We are all on a different stages on this journey called life. We are all learning and growing from our experiences, our mistakes etc. This post is to create an awareness about our own energy, and learn to be in charge of it without blaming others. Secondly, if you see yourself in anything listed bellow, forgive yourself. Who you really are is a beautiful soul full of love and light. You may currently be going through something, which is making you act and present yourself that way. These blocks can be released, so your beautiful true self can come forward. I must admit, that years ago I could fall almost into all of these categories. And I also believe, that sometimes we all unintentionally detour there again for a moment or two. I would like you to remember this powerful quote from Terrence: 

“I am a human; nothing human can be alien to me.” 

So, if you are curious, carry on reading.

Notice how you feel around certain people

How do you feel around certain people? Do you feel uneasy or happy in their presence? When you organise to meet up with someone, are you excited to go to see this friend, or are you dreading to meet up and only want to show up to be nice? Be really honest with yourself. I talk about this, because I’ve been there far too many times. I was a people pleaser, because I wanted to have friends and people to like me. I’m pleased to say, I’m over that one. Notice how you feel around certain people. If you feel any kind of discomfort, don’t ignore it. Your feelings never lie. Trust them.

Energy vampires

Do you have friends, who constantly complain, are always negative, unhappy and it doesn’t matter what you say to them, they just turn everything into negativity? Do you feel exhausted just getting off the phone with them and wondering why? Some call these people an energy vampires. This is not to blame them. What’s actually happening is that these people might have been through some bad experiences, which set them on the bad vibe and now, they are trapped. This is not to make a victim of them. I believe, they need to realise, that something has to change within them. The question is, do you want to keep listening to these complains all the time? It does not matter how much you are trying to help, after a while the complaining becomes annoying. You can simply be assertive and say this: ‘I really care about you and want you to be happy, but let me be honest with you. When you complain and blame others for the problems in your life, it’s actually draining. I know we have been friends for a long time, but I am actually tired of hearing the same stories over and over again. I believe, we should all take responsibility for what is happening in our lives and maybe it’s time for you to really re-evalute what has been happening all these years.’ Don’t think you are being harsh towards your friend. You are just being honest and expressing how you feel. Years ago, I used to be a similar kind of victim. One of my friends, really had an assertive chat with me and it changed my life forever. Of course, to the better, as I finally took the responsibility for everything.

Advantage takers

Some people take advantage of other people’s kindness and nicety. Don’t fall into that trap. Protect yourself from their energy and close the door behind them. You want to spend time with people who are making you happy and radiate on the same frequency, not somebody who only calls when they need something from you. How do you recognise these folks? Simply. Do you get good or a bad feeling when they ask you about something?

Jealous friends

Notice how people react when you achieve something and you are flying high. Watch their reactions.  Are they genuinely happy for you and are celebrating your success? Or are they quietly jealous, secretly wishing it was them who got that promotion or a degree? Just notice and trust your feelings.


Pretenders are the kind of fake friends who stick around, smile to your face, but talk about you behind your back. I have experienced so many of those in my life and some of them are still around, but I am fully aware of  them and watching them closely.

A thought to keep

All of those people don’t need our judgement, but rather our compassion. Clearly, they are either not on the same frequency as we are, or they are just purely unhappy people. Please remember, it is okay to have outgrown some friends. Some of these friendships might have been great when you were in your twenties, but now you are older, you have different priorities, different goals and unfortunately your energies no longer match. Letting go of friendships that no longer serve you doesn’t have to be a painful process. It can be done with love, understanding and respect by wishing each other well. Life is an incredible gift and you want to spend it with those who matter and you feel good around.

One great way to let some former friendships go, is to write them a letter. This letter is not to for you to send them, but for your own healing, your own closure. I have written an article, where I talk about a letter, I wrote to the people that have hurt me. It may inspire you:

“Good friends are like stars. You don’t always see them, but you know they are always there.” 

14 spiritual tools to practise in the modern world

Many people think being spiritual is all about happiness, rainbows and butterflies. These days, spirituality can actually be perceived as a luxury, and not many are practising it or are open to it. The reason behind it, is because most of us haven’t been brought up to understand it. Some might believe, that only people who have lots of spare time can afford practising some kind of spiritual principles. Well, I think all of us can find just a few minutes a day to do so. Listed bellow are some of my favourite spiritual tools you can easily apply to your life. Choose the ones that resonate with you. I believe they can definitely bring more light into your life.

#1 Conscious breathing

We breathe all day long and we don’t even think about it. But when we really begin focusing on our breathing, it can help us bring more clarity and calmness into our lives. I always say: ‘When I’m in doubt, I take a deep breath.’ It always centres me back in the present moment and works in a miraculous way. I believe, it’s very important to pause several times a day and really notice our breathing. Take a few, deep, cleansing breaths whenever you think about taking a break, feeling stressed or anxious. Your breath is your connection to life. Taking deep, conscious breaths in and out can be a great spiritual practice to add to your daily life.

#2 Observing

Become an observer of what is going on within you and around you. Notice your thoughts, observe your feelings, actions and reactions. Are you feeling good or do you feel discomfort in any area of your body? We often push our feelings away and this can create tension that we carry around from one day to another. It is not only unhealthy, but it also makes us feel edgy, frustrated and tired. Become an observer of your feelings and really learn to acknowledge them, instead of dismissing them or pushing them away.

#3 Meditation

Meditation is one of the easiest ways how to start connecting with the truth of who you really are. If you are new to meditation, I always recommend trying guided meditations. There are so many fantastic meditation albums to choose from these day and you can find them on YouTube, iTunes or anywhere online. I dedicated an entire page on my website to meditation. You can also access some of my free guided meditations there. Make yourself comfortable and let my voice be your guide:

#4 Yoga

Yoga is a beautiful spiritual practice. I love practising Hatha and Vinyasa Yoga. If you are interested in taking a yoga class, you can check out some of your local yoga studios. Every town has at least couple these days. You can also find out information about yoga online. I have been introduced to yoga by a beautiful teacher Tara Stiles. I began my practice by watching her videos on YouTube every single day. Just watching them made me feel better already. I practised yoga in my living room for a while, and when I was more confident with the postures, I took my first class. It transformed my life. Yoga is a fantastic spiritual practice, which became a healthy addiction of mine. Try it.

#5 Writing

I consider writing a spiritual practice too. Writing your feelings down can be very liberating and healing. Get your diary and write down how you feel. Let your feelings and suppressed emotions out onto the page. Every time I write my thoughts and feelings down, I always feel lighter and I have so much brighter perspective on life.

#6 Reading

I’m in love with reading. Spiritual texts, poetry and inspirational books are some of my favourites. Here is a tip for you: Read couple of pages of something inspiring every morning. This will put you on a positive frequency and will set your day right. I am currently preparing an article, where I will share with you some of my favourite inspiring and spiritual books I believe can inspire you.

#7 Spiritual gatherings

Connecting with like-minded people is a great way of practising spirituality. People on the same frequency always inspire each and support each other. There are so many places where you can connect with like-minded people such as going to lectures, workshops, classes and spiritual retreats. Check them out in your local area. Like yoga classes, there are being held almost everywhere these days.

#8 Nature Connection

Those of you who follow me on social media and read my weekly blog know, how strongly I feel about connecting with nature. Nature is one of the best healers. Nature inspires us, makes us feel good and also connects us to the truth of who we really are. Regular connections with the natural world can be life-transforming.

#9 Music

Listening to uplifting or soothing music can also become your spiritual practice. Create a playlist of your favourite tunes and get motivated and inspired. When I listen to the music, I always get the most amazing ideas.

#10 Visualising

While you are listening to your music playlist, you can also add some visualisation to it. Visualising is an incredible tool, that can help you make your dreams come true. I manifested many fantastic things into my life just by the power of visualisation. How do you visualise? Feel the feelings of how you want to feel when your desire is manifested. Feel those feelings now. Then, release them to the care of the higher power of the Universe. Trust and know that they will come to you, when the time is right, and in a form that is best for your highest good and everyone involved.

#11 Reciting positive affirmations

Reciting positive statements over and over again can be a wonderful spiritual practice to add to your life. Your affirmations need to be positive, personal and in present tense. For example: ‘I am healthy and I am happy.’  If you would like to find out more about positive affirmations, you can check out my article right here:

#12 Prayer

Some people think you have to be a religious person to pray. Not at all. We can all pray. I pray daily and it transformed my life in many wonderful ways. Create a specific prayer that works for you, and say it every morning and every evening (or whenever you think about it). Your prayer can simply be saying Thank you to the Universe, the God, the angels or any higher power of your own understanding. Thank it for another day, for your health and all the good things in your life.

#13 Gratitude

And now, we’ve got to an incredible practice of gratitude. When you are grateful for what you already have in your life, you create more things to be grateful for. Get into a habit of expressing gratitude for the things you often take for granted. Be grateful for your beautiful life, your health, your family, your senses, your job….anything you can think of. Expressing gratitude on a daily basis always goes a long way.

#14 Living in your truth

Last, but definitely not least is my favourite spiritual (and also non-spiritual) principle: Living in your truth. I used to live in so much denial and scarcity. I was afraid to express who I really was, because I thought I wasn’t good enough. Luckily, those days are gone. Now, I’m proud of who I really am and of my truth. You are a beautiful soul, which came to this world to have a human experience. Your life is a gift. Stay true to yourself and the beauty of your being. Listen to your inner guidance (the voice of your soul) that speaks to you all day long, and become more and more true to who you really are.

Dealing with regrets

We all have some regrets in life. We all would like to change certain things or rewind back to the past and erase them completely. Do I have regrets? Of course. There are many things I would have done differently. There are many examples in my own life where if I could, I would trust my inner knowing more and certain people less. Many people hurt me in life, but I must admit, I also hurt some people with what I said or done. Well, we are all guilty of something. But this is all over and done with now. I want to focus on the good, only remember the valuable lessons and enjoy my life to the fullest. I realised, regretting something is only going to keep me stuck in the past. This way I am unnecessarily re-living some difficult past experiences, and feeling the unpleasant emotions all over again unintentionally. What a waste of our precious energy and this beautiful life that is? But it doesn’t have to be that way. I am excited to share with you a few ways I deal with regrets and I strongly believe they will inspire you.

Take responsibility for your part

Taking responsibility for your actions, your behaviour and your choices is an important key to setting yourself free from regrets. We have all done things in the past we may not be proud of. Of course, some people might have wronged us too, but it is essential to take responsibility for our part in the situation. This will not only set us free from our regrets, but it will also allow us to step out of the victim zone. Always take responsibility for your life fully. It is one of the wisest choices you will ever make.

Learning from regrets

Past is not here anymore and there is nothing that can be changed about it, only your approach towards the past can be changed. Try to accept it and take on board the lessons you had a chance to learn. These lessons definitely taught you something important that will help you in the future and is essential to your personal and spiritual growth.

Are regrets affecting your daily life?

You may be daily replaying certain scenarios from your recent or even distant past. This is only keeping you stuck in the rut and preventing you from moving forward. My suggestion? Write your feelings down. Writing exercises are extremely powerful. They will allow you to take your worries and regrets out from your head and place them on a piece of paper. Even though it sounds simple, it is very effective. This way you will create space in your life and shift your focus by clearing your mind from anything unwanted.


Meditation is a wonderful tool when dealing with regrets. Sit in stillness and take a few deep breaths until you feel calm and relaxed. Think about the situation you are regretting. How do you feel? What do you see? What do you hear? Are you feeling any tension/discomfort at any area of your body? Is it in your chest, your stomach or your throat? Now, take a deep breath and send it to the space of the tension. Visualise your breath dissolving this tension. When you breathe out, visualise this discomfort leaving your body in a form of a dark cloud. Trust and know that you are letting it go completely. Repeat this meditation as many times as necessary. I find that some regrets are easier to dissolve than others. By choosing to let go of them regularly will create a new practice that will help you dissolve your regrets one at the time. Give it a go.

A thought to keep

Regrets only keep us stuck in the past. They are no longer relevant to our life and by thinking about them we are unnecessarily paying for the same mistakes again and again. Transforming our regrets into our wisdom can be a hard work at times, but once we begin it will empower us.

“Always look forward with hope, not backwards with regret.”

Turn down the noise

Last week I sat in my hotel room in Boston, Massachusetts. Life has been very hectic lately. This was keeping my mind working overtime for months. As I sat quietly on my bed, I suddenly heard the voice of my soul ‘Turn down the noise Jana’ The voice was soft and comforting. Just hearing these words gave me a permission to stop and just be. A sense of calmness showered my entire being. It allowed me to be still, breathe and relax. I became fully engaged in the present moment and that’s all I needed at that time. I didn’t want to talk to anybody, to check my phone, I didn’t want to switch on my computer or the TV. I was breathing, I was at peace and that was all that mattered.

We often forget how precious the present moment is. From time to time we have to remind ourselves, that there is nothing else we have, only present. Past is not here anymore and there is nothing which can be changed about it. Only our approach towards the past can be changed. Future-tripping can be great when we think about things that excite us, such as our dreams and visions. But when we worry, obsess or over-react, we can unintentionally take ourselves to some dark places where we may get lost. Our lives are busy. We always think about the next thing, often without pausing for a while and acknowledging our presence in the moment. The good news is, I have a few tips, which i believe can help you to turn down the noise in your life (at least a notch down).

‘Space Zone’

Find a comfortable place, where you are not going to be disturbed. Sit quietly and close your eyes. Take a few, deep cleansing breaths. Breath is your connection to life. Notice its beauty, its power. Notice this incredible life force. Now, I would like you to feel the space you are in. Feel the space around you, the space beneath you and the space above you. Feel the space in front of you, the space behind you, space to your left and space to your right. Feel your presence in the here and now and just be. Stay here for a few more deep breaths. When you are ready open your eyes. This exercise is a wonderful way for turning down the noise of the world and tuning in to your truth.

‘Away with the fairies’

Natural world is one of the best healers. Hiking in the mountains, walking in the woods, even strolling through a park can create a great connection with nature. When you are out in the natural world, engage all your senses to that moment. Forget about your phone, any deadlines and the rest of the noise of this hectic world. You are alive, you are breathing and that’s all that matters right now.

‘Sacred Chronicle’

Starting a diary can a be a wonderful way of turning down the noise. Writing down your thoughts, your concerns and anything you just wouldn’t share with anybody can be very therapeutic. I do this all the time. It helps me to release what I worry about and is no longer serving me. Buy yourself a nice diary and make it your Sacred Chronicle of surrender. Tell it how you really feel. We all have our secrets, we just wouldn’t share with anybody not even with the closest friend or a parent. Tell it to your diary.

A thought to keep

Please remember, that being still will help you to hear the voice of your soul. Your soul is your greatest guide and the truth of who you really are. Tune in and listen to it. It has some incredible secrets to share.

‘Silence is a gift. Learn to value its essence.’ 

Artists, creatives & all of you multi-passionate people

Are you an artist or a creative? Have you got many interests, talents and things in your life that excite you? I’m glad you have stopped by, because this blog is just for you. I, myself am a multi-passionate kind of girl. Having lots of interests always inspired me. I hardly get bored or uninspired, but there is also a price to pay for this. I must admit my passions used to overwhelm me and occasionally still do. That happens in the moments when I’m not sure what I should be focusing on. Shall I write music, record a new song, focus more on flying, do some literary work, get myself to a ballet studio or give a full attention to my coaching and teaching? As you can see being multi-passionate is not always easy, but after all it’s exciting and very rewarding.

People used to tell me and sometimes still do, I should just pick one thing and let that be my passion turned into a career. For me, it’s almost impossible. I used to be very hard on myself when it came to my passions and talents. When I looked at others I could see something very clearly. Some of them were just writers and that’s what they were doing, others just singers, actors, teachers or pilots and they were fully focused on that. Comparing myself to them put so much pressure on me. “Why do I have to deal with an overload of interests? It would be so much easier just to choose one thing which excites me the most and give it my full attention? But which one?” The more I thought about it, the more uneasy I felt.


Then, I came to this realisation: “I came here to the Earth, to be Jana, nobody else. I am excited about all these things, and if I choose to be good at all of them, I can be. I can focus on one thing at the time in a given moment, but I can be a multi-passionate artist and still do a good job. This doesn’t mean I need to do all of those things as my career. They can purely be my hobbies and let’s what happens later.” This realisation brought so much clarity into my life and put my busy mind at ease.

My inspiration of a multi-passionate person

One of my greatest inspirations of a multi-passionate person is Maya Angelou. This incredible lady was an American poet, memoirist and a civil rights activist. She wrote screen plays, directed films, she was a singer and have been involved in many successful television series and radio talk shows. She was also a lecturer and has done many other inspiring things that made a huge contribution to the world. She did all of those amazing things with so much passion and enthusiasm. She will always be a huge inspiration of mine.

Embrace your passions

So, if you are a multi-passionate person, relax and take a deep breath. Don’t be hard on yourself, instead, dwell in joy! Be grateful for being who you are. All of those amazing gifts you have came to you for a reason. You are an amazing artist. Shine your unique light and show it to the world. It doesn’t matter whether you share your gifts on a smaller scale or with a wider world. Live in your truth by embracing your talents. This always inspires others. Don’t leave your passions hidden in the dark. Bring them out of the closet and share them with others. Let your soul sing its own unique song, which can only be sang by you.

A quote to live by

“My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive; and to do so with some passion, some compassion, some humour, and some style,” ~ Maya Angelou

Are you tired of worrying all the time?

I must admit I am a natural worrier. I worry a lot, but in the last few years I learnt many great techniques, which always help me to re-direct my energy from worrying to believing that all is well. One of my favourite spiritual teachers, Doreen Virtue says: “Worry doesn’t help anything, it only keeps us busy doing nothing.”  That’s so true. But we all worry, even the ones who say they don’t. The good news is, we can all learn how to stop over-worrying and live more at ease. I am very excited to share with you some powerful techniques in this blog.

Worried what other people think of you?

This used to be one of my big problems. This worry sometimes still creeps into my reality and haunts me at night. If you have such a worry, remember this: People have so much of their own worries and they don’t constantly think about you. It is only your mind creation which believes, that some strangers are thinking about you and analysing your actions or what you’ve said or done.

Worried about your past mistakes?

We all have chapters in our lives we wouldn’t read out loud. In the past you have dealt with everything you experienced the best way you knew at the time. Stop being so hard on yourself. If you lied or hurt someone, said things you are not proud of, acted irresponsibly, don’t beat yourself up for it anymore. Forgive yourself and learn form your mistakes. You are always learning and always growing. You had to experience those things to help you become the person you are today.

There is nothing to worry about

Truly, there is nothing to worry about. Worry is just a thought and as any other thought, it can be replaced or it can be given more energy. Do yourself a favour and focus your energy to what brings you joy instead of worrying what could go wrong.

Worried about something right now?

Write things down:

This exercise always served me well. If you are worried about something right now, write it down immediately. Let it flow on a page of your notebook or a diary. You will feel lighter and have a fresher perspective of the situation.

Breathe deeply: 

Take a step back from the situation you worry about and close your eyes. Take a slow, deep, cleansing breath and breathe out. Breathe in through your nose and breathe out through your mouth. When you breathe in, visualise, you are absorbing the positive energy this Universe has to offer. When you breathe out, visualise, you are letting go of anything that you currently worry about. Repeat this cycle for as long is comfortable for you.

Hand your worries to the care of a higher source:  

We all have a belief or a faith of our own understanding. What do you believe in? Do you believe in Angels or Spirit Guides? Do you believe in God or any other higher power? When I worry, I hand over any of my worries to the care of my angels and spirit guides. They are always happy to help me and assist me with anything. You are always being helped, being guided and protected at all times. There is so much help available to us all. Hand your worries to the care of a higher source and trust and know, that they will be transformed to the positive energy.

A thought to keep

“Stop worrying what can go wrong, and get excited about what can go right.”