Four easy ways to strengthen your intuition

This blog is a follow up to my previous blog about intuition. If you have read it, you probably remember the story when my friend sensed, there was something wrong and felt he needed to text me right away. If you haven’t read it, here is the link This week, I will give you few of my favourite ways how to start strengthening your intuition. I believe sharpening your intuition can serve you in a great way for the rest of your life. After all, we are a spiritual beings having a temporary human experience, and the gift of intuition is natural to us. We have only forgotten how to use it.

Listen to your feelings

Listening to your feelings rather than being always in your mind will help you to strengthen your intuition. When you are dealing with any situation or you have an important decision to make, ask yourself:  “What am I feeling?”  instead of what you are thinking. Notice any physical sensations when you ask yourself this question. Your soul communicates with you through your physical body. Its messages will always be expressed as physical sensations. Do you feel positive, excited, happy? Or uneasy, tense and uncomfortable. Listening to your feelings can help you start strengthening your intuition.


Our souls long to express themselves in creative ways. Many people go to jobs they don’t like and complain about their lives. We have been conditioned to believe, that our ‘job titles’ define who we are. This is a big lie, that is haunting the entire world, and its long overdue to be finally dissolved. You are not what you do. You are a beautiful soul, which came to the Earth to express itself creatively. There is something within you, waiting to be discovered. Ask yourself these important questions? What is it that excites me? What activities do I enjoy where I completely forget about the time? It can be writing a poem, painting, going to a dance class, cooking or gardening. All of us have something within us, that makes us feel more alive. What makes you feel more alive? Creativity is another easy way to start strengthening  your intuition. It can help you align more with your soul, so you can begin to start living in your truth.


Allow things to unfold more naturally in your life. We live in a busy world that is ran by deadlines and schedules. We expect things to go certain way, and if they don’t we get frustrated. We try to control outcomes, and be in control of absolutely everything. This is virtually impossible, but it can also be understandable, because we want to be organised in life and of course plan ahead. But it also creates pressure that can silence the voice of our soul. We are more in our minds than in our souls. We need to reverse this process, and by doing so we can strengthen our intuition. By living more in the state of allowing will help us feel more at ease with ourselves and the world that surrounds us. Life will start unfolding more naturally and we’ll become happier. Allowing doesn’t mean you are careless, it’s simply a more joyful way of living.


Meditation is one of the easiest ways to start strengthening your intuition. It will allow you to revive the relationship with your soul. Your soul yearns for the moments of stillness. That is the space where it can share with you anything you need to know. Many people say they don’t have time for meditation. I believe otherwise. I believe everybody can find just a five minutes of their 24 hour day. Some say, they don’t know how to meditate. Well, here is my response. I’m going to share with you a very simple meditation you can practise almost anywhere at any time, and it doesn’t even have to be five minutes.

“I would like you to get comfortable and close your eyes to avoid any visual distractions. If you are tired, you can keep your eyes partially open, so you don’t fall asleep. Then, I would like you to start taking deep breaths, slowly and deeply. I always suggest to breathe in through your nose and breathe out through your mouth (if this is comfortable for you). Now, let’s add some visualisation to your breathing. When you are breathing in, I would like to visualise, that you are breathing in a beautiful pure white light. This light represents all the positive energy and the goodness this Universe has to offer. When you breathe out, I would like you to visualise, that you are breathing out anything that is no longer serving you. I call it, you are breathing out any clouds of darkness. Repeat this cycle of breathing for as long as it’s comfortable for you. Then, return your breathing to its normal pace. When you are ready open your eyes and have a little stretch. 

This is a very simple meditation that can help you strengthen your intuition. If you would like to find out more about meditation, I dedicated a whole page to the subject on my website

A thought to keep! 

“You know the truth, by the way it feels!” 

Trust your intuition

Last week, I was driving from Northampton back to London. It was late and a very foggy evening. The motorway wasn’t lit up properly, and the visibility was very bad. Even the fog lights on my car didn’t help me to see ahead properly. I’m generally quite a confident driver, and I don’t remember the last time I felt so uneasy on the road. I felt uncomfortable, and at times unsafe. All I wanted was to get home safely.

They were not many cars on the road that day, and that somehow made me feel quite lonely. I immediately called in the angels and my personal spirit guides to assist me. I could feel their presence instantly, as they were helping me get through the uncomfortable drive. I began feeling more at ease. When I changed the motorways and finally got closer to my home territory, I felt even more comfortable. I thanked the angels and my guides for staying with me and helping me to get through the scary drive. When I got home and parked, I checked my phone. There was a message from a dear friend of mine. He said, he just had a weird feeling that something was wrong. He felt he needed to text me to check if I was okay, and hoping his intuition was only a false alarm. His message has been sent at the exact time, when I was going through my fog driving burden. He picked on it immediately through his intuition.

Not a surprise 

Many of my friends are open to the conversation of spiritual guidance and intuition. This is the reason, we connect so well through our vibes and feelings. I have quite a few stories similar to this one. It wasn’t a surprise, that my friend picked on my discomfort. His soul knew something was wrong. I texted him right back to say I was okay. He felt relieved.

Yes, it’s your intuition 

This was a good example of trusting your intuition. My friend clearly felt there was something wrong. Do you also get a moments in your life when you feel something just doesn’t feel right? Or on the contrary. Do you feel something feels very good, and you should go for it without any hesitation? These are all signals from your soul, which shouldn’t be ignored.

What intuition actually is?  

Intuition is that quiet little voice which whispers to us all day long, helping us navigate through life. It is the voice of our soul. The problem is, we don’t always choose to listen to it. It is the ability to know something through our instinct, through our feelings. Some call it a sixth sense, others a gut feeling. I’m sure you have already experienced your intuition. For example: Have you ever met somebody and you immediately felt they cannot be trusted? Later, you found out that you were right. Or did you ever had a feeling, you should not take a particular way to work, so you took another way, only to find out later you were spared a two hours being stuck in traffic? This was your intuition warning you in advance. But, of course, you also have a good, intuitive feelings. You meet somebody new and you feel good in their presence. Ten years later, you are still great friends. Or you have a feeling, there is an opportunity of a lifetime heading your way. You feel good about it, no matter what others say. In a few weeks, you land a job of your dreams. Intuition is a wonderful gift that comes from our souls. It can be trusted. Intuition is the link between your physical self and your soul. The human mind always seeks for logic in all, your intuition always knows! You can fully trust it.

Next week, I will give you a list of my favourite ways to strengthen your intuition. By listening and acknowledging your intuition, you can create a wonderful co-operation that can serve you in a great way your entire life.

The art of slowing down

Life can get very hectic sometimes. Meeting deadlines, planning ahead, looking after children, going to work. We often see many signs of slowing down, but we don’t always choose to acknowledge them. We only do this when something goes wrong, when we get tired or suddenly realise, we can’t carry on like this anymore. I’ve been inspired to write about slowing down last week, when I found myself rushing around London. I often notice many spiritual signs around (I talked about them in the last week’s blog), but this time, they were literally screaming at me. Traffic lights turning red when I was driving, queues at every shop I went to, even the internet connection not working when I tried to send a quick email on the go. At that point, I couldn’t ignore the universal message anymore. I needed to slow down. I decided to stop, and finally acknowledge what was going on. Here are few things which helped me, and I hope they will inspire you.

Stop and take a deep breath 

When we are so drawn into our hectic lifestyle, we often forget to breathe properly. Stop reading right now and take a deep breath (slowly and deeply). Inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth. When you inhale, visualise, you are breaking in all the positive energy this Universe has the offer. When you breathe out, visualise, you are breathing out everything that is no longer serving you. Repeat it for about 3-5 rounds. How do you feel now? Calmer? Practise this exercise daily. It’s a simple, but effective meditation you can do anywhere.

Focus on one thing at the time 

Focusing on one thing at the time will not only create the best results of what you are trying to achieve, but it will also keep your attention in the present moment. If you read my blog regularly, you know I often talk about the present moment. Present moment is the only place where the real life exists. Focus fully on one thing at the time and stay in the moment.

Listen to your Soul 

Listen to your inner wisdom. Rest, when you feel tired. Take some time off, when you need to. Do activities that bring you joy. Listening to your true self (your soul), is one of the wisest decisions you will ever make. Your soul reveals to you everything you need to know. Get silent for a few moments today, and listen that quite little voice which is whispering to you all the day long. It has some important messages to share.

Connecting with the natural world 

I alway go to nature to align with my truth. When I try to control outcomes, when I get tired or when I just know something’s not flowing in my life, I know I need to get home’. Nature always helps me do that. The same applies, when I need to slow down. Nature is a powerful example of how life suppose to flow. Find some time to connect with the natural world. Even if you live in the city, find a local park where you can relax and detach from the hectic world for a while. It will bring some fantastic benefits into your life.

A thought to keep! 

Don’t think slowing down or taking some time off is a waste of time. You will actually gain more time. You will become more energised and rested. You will be surprised, how much more you will actually be able to accomplish. Slow down today!

Spiritual signs

Last Thursday morning somebody upset me. I found quite difficult to let it go, and as the day progressed I felt more and more uncomfortable. In the afternoon, I had to go to the town. When I began running my errands, everybody seemed to be in my way. People were blocking me or delaying what I had planned to do. Still thinking about what has happened in the morning, made every task more challenging than it actually was. As I went to the supermarket, I came across another person (yet again), clearly in my way. At that point, I nearly burst into tears. In that moment, my intuition guided me to look to the left. When I looked there, I saw a beautiful birthday card with a big butterfly on it. A sense of calmness and a relief passed over my entire being and I smiled instantly.


Butterfly has always been my spiritual sign. Every time I see it, I know it’s a sign from the Universe that I will be okay. When I see a butterfly I know, that all that is bothering me will eventually fade away, and I will smile again. In this instance, it was also a reminder to remain my beautiful self no matter what is going on around me. It was a reminder to surrender my resentment and discomfort to the care of the Universe. I decided to listen. The weight of the uncomfortable feelings began to slowly lift off. I was able to see clearly again, because I aligned to my truth. The spiritual realm is always working on our behalf and making sure we are being guided every step of the way. The problem is, we don’t always choose to acknowledge it.

Spiritual helpers 

I’ve always believed in angels, spirit guides and in any celestial helpers from a very young age. They have always been assisting me on my life’s journey ever since I can remember. My inner knowing and also experience that there is something higher here, continuously assured me that I have nothing to worry about, and I am being guided. I knew I wasn’t alone.


I would like you to pick a sign. Something that resonates with you. Something that brings you joy and a comfort every time  you see it. It can be a bird such as an eagle, a particular flower, a feather, a sequence of numbers or you can use my butterfly. When you have it, trust and know that this sign will come up every time you need a reminder that no matter what you are going through, you will be okay. Then surrender and let the magic unfolds. Don’t search for your sign, it will appear to you naturally, often in some unexpected forms. I see my butterflies on a cover of magazines, as a t-shirt prints, on birthday cards, they appear on a TV and of course they often just fly towards me. Sometimes, I overhear a conversation and a butterfly is mentioned.  I know, I was meant to hear it. The higher power is presenting me my sign to let me know, that I am not alone and I am being guided.

Random signs 

You may also notice some random signs. It doesn’t necessarily need to be the sign you chose. It can a build-board with a word or a sentence telling you exactly what you are looking for.  You may feel stuck in life, and these words will make everything perfectly clear to you. Or you will meet somebody and they will mention exactly what you need to hear. Be open and flow with it. You’ll be amazed what you may discover.

Staying open minded 

Some of you may not be open to this kind of conversation yet, and that’s okay. We are all on a different stages on this journey. We all have a different views and perspectives based on our experiences, the way we’ve been raised, the knowledge we’ve acquired or what we’ve have been through. If this resonates with you, welcome the guidance. After all, it is your birthright. If not, let this topic inspire you. It may one day open new doors for you, so you can also start enjoying the view at this world from a beautiful spiritual heights.

Five ways to nourish your Soul

Young woman practicing yoga on the beach.“Whatever’s good for your Soul…do that!” Our Soul is the beautiful part of our being, which deserve as much time and affection as our physical self. Therefore it needs to be nourished and cared for. When we learn how to nourish our soul, we become more aligned with our truth. We become more joyful, grounded and we will focus on the beauty of this world rather than its imperfections. There are many ways how you can start nourishing your Soul today. I have a five suggestions, which I believe can inspire you.

1) Do what you love 

Your Soul is most content and happy when you do what you love. What brings you joy? Is it writing, cooking, dancing, inspiring others, gardening? What is it that you love doing? We all have something we truly enjoy. Decide, that from today you will do more of what makes you happy. This is a beautiful gift you can give to yourself and to your Soul.

2) Connect with the natural world 

Those who know me personally or read my blog know how much I love nature. Nature inspires me, helps me to align back to my truth when I feel out of alignment, and always awakens me when I feel tired or demotivated. I believe nature is one of the best healers. Connecting with the natural world is also a fantastic way of nourishing your Soul. Just going to your local park can make you feel more alive. Your Soul will always be grateful for the nourishment it will receive by connecting with the natural world.

3) Get motivated and inspired 

Another way of nourishing your Soul is to keep yourself motivated and inspired. I always feel very motivated and inspired when I am at the ballet studio. My ballet teacher David is a great motivator. His positive energy and a love for dancing touches everybody in the class. We instantly let go of our stresses and tension that might have built up throughout the day, and we become fully focused on dancing. After the class I always feel energised and very inspired. In the moments of inspiration I know I can do anything. Get motivated and inspired today, it will bring lots of joy to Soul.

4) Meditate 

Some people may say they don’t have time for meditation. They may say they are too busy living lives to find the time to sit in stillness and do nothing. But when you meditate, you are actually doing a great deal of service for yourself. You are connecting with your Soul. Even five minutes spent in meditation is a wonderful way of nourishing your Soul. If you want to find out more about meditation, you can check out my website for some useful tips on meditation for the beginners

5) Say to yourself  “I love you and I appreciate you”

That’s right! When we fully learn how to love and appreciate ourselves, others will love us and appreciate us too. When you feel love and appreciation for yourself, it radiates from you and others pick on it too. It will not only increase your self-esteem, but it will also nourish your Soul in a great way. Start today! Look in the mirror and say to yourself: “I love you and I appreciate you!”