Learning to let go

box6Last week I was in Israel. I am so grateful to have the opportunity to travel around the world so much and to see and explore some incredible places. Although I enjoyed my trip to this beautiful country, they were many disturbing thoughts constantly floating on my mind. Many people who know me look at my life and say: “This girl has a fantastic lifestyle!” I have to admit, I love my life and I am excited about many things I do. But I still go through challenges and not everything is always as perfect as it may appear on the outside or on my FB page. We all have good days and sometimes we go through some challenging seasons in life. No one has it all figured out no matter how great their life may seem on the outside.

My life has been very interesting lately. Many old unhealed wounds” and situations have been coming up to the surface, bringing some challenges with them. People I knew in the past and I haven’t seen in the last 10 even15 years, are hauntingly appearing in my life. Some are coming back to reconnect and this is a huge blessing. Renewing old friendships can be very refreshing. The others which have also made contacts, reaffirmed they were not meant to share this journey with me. Some old friends who have been in my life for many years and I trusted fully, are suddenly letting me down, and I sadly had to end couple of those relationships. And lastly, some new friendships I strongly believed would last a lifetime, have suddenly disappeared without any explanation. Even though I try to keep positive and I always turn any situations around to see only the good in them, it isn’t always that easy.

When I was on the way to the airport from Tel Aviv, I started feeling a little uncomfortable as some unpleasant thoughts floated in my mind again. I was a bit emotional, upset and to say the truth, a bit fed up feeling like this for such a long time now. Wasting so much of my precious energy on things I have no control over is only keeping me stuck, and I could definitely invest this energy into something meaningful. In that moment I asked myself: “Wouldn’t it be wonderful to just let it all go at once? To forget about the bad things and only remember the good. To feel completely free of all the unpleasantness? Wouldn’t it be great to start again with a completely fresh and new outlook on all of this?” I suddenly smiled. I realised, of course it is possible and it is all up to me. It is only a decision away from me. The question is: “Am I ready to let it all go yet?” Probably not all at once, but maybe steadily, day by day and one step at the time would be a good start. What a liberating feeling would it be to clear out the obstacles, which are keeping my mind working overtime and preventing my soul’s voice to be heard.” I’ve decided to take a new approach. I am currently going through an important clearing and a healing process. I am discovering many ways to keep focused on my life’s purpose and trying to see everyone as a loving being wandering through this journey called life (just like me) unsure, sometimes scared and only doing the best they can in any given moment. I would like to share with you some ideas, which I remind myself every single day, and I believe they can help you if you are going through some changes or difficulties in your life too.


Past is not here anymore and there is nothing which can be changed about the past, only our approach towards the past can be changed. Your past doesn’t define you or anybody else. You are always changing, always growing spiritually and as a human being. When you are thinking about the past mistakes, you are losing the beauty of the present moment and that is the only place where the real life exists. Let’s focus more on what is happening right now.


Forgiving yourself and others is the best gift you can give to yourself. Forgive yourself for your past mistakes~ you have learned from them. Forgive others, not because you agree what they’ve done to you it’s okay. Forgiving someone means you are not letting them to control your life anymore. Let the resentment go and release yourself and others.


Focus on what you are grateful for rather than what isn’t working in your life right now. When you find yourself feeling low or negative, start listing things you are grateful for. For example: you have a loving family, your children make you proud, you have a job, you have a roof over your head etc. When you start listing those things, you will change your focus and shift your attention from negative to positive. Focus on what is important to you and what you feel excited about. Let the rest go and trust that something great will always come out of the challenges you may be going through.

So these are just few of my daily reminders to keep positive and focused on what is really important in life. They are helping me to let go of any disturbing thoughts and feelings and to only see the real truth, which is love, light and good in others and in myself.

5 strategies to keep your energy levels high

woman try to grab the sunWe live in a fast moving world. We work very hard, making sure our bills are paid on time, all the deadlines are met, trying to get as much done as possible every single day. Sometimes we don’t even get a chance to focus on ourselves, our hobbies and any other things which really matter in life. This kind of lifestyle often leaves us feeling tired (sometimes even exhausted) and unhappy. In those moments, even a little challenge can feel like an overwhelming burden to deal with. Our energy gets low and we don’t enjoy life as we hoped we would. I have a few easy strategies, which I believe could help you to keep your energy levels high and can also bring you more positive outlook on life.


Getting enough sleep is very important. Your productivity and being energetic throughout the day has a lot to do with how rested you are. A day has 24 hours. An average person sleeps 8 hours a day. Every hour of sleep gives you 2 hours of activity. This means you have 16 hours in an awaken state. Getting enough sleep is not only going to keep your energy levels higher, but it will also bring a fresher outlook on life, you become more creative and excited about life in general. If it’s possible, always try to get a goodnight sleep.


I love yoga and I take ballet classes. Amongst my passion for ballet dancing and a spiritual benefits of yoga, those activities also keep me active, fit, balanced and energised. Some people like going to gym, some like walking in parks. Find a way to get active at least twice a week to keep yourself healthy and happy. You will not only going to get a good workout, but your energy levels will also rise up and your entire perspective on life will change to the better.


Eat foods which nourish your body, not drain your energy. I know in this busy world it’s sometimes so much easier to get a take away, or just buy a ready meal at the supermarket and then heat it up in a microwave.  Try to look after yourself a little more and cook yourself and your family a nice, healthy meals more often. You can always find the time, if you really prioritise your daily tasks and discard the unimportant and distracting things from your life. Throughout the day, drink plenty of water and instead of drinking coffee, switch to herbal teas or decaffeinated green tea. I personally love green tea and I can’t go a day without it.


Nature is one of the greatest healers. Visiting nature on a regular basis will not only keep your energy levels high, but you will also become more positive and optimistic about life. Go to the woods and breathe in the fresh air and get grounded. Listen to the bird songs and watch the trees swinging with the breeze. Every season of the year has its own special beauty. My favourite is Autumn. I love watching the trees being covered in the most magnificent, magical colours. I feel energised, happier and at peace with myself and the world around me.


Slow down and every single day do at least one thing which makes you happy. De-stress and Re-energise yourself. Read a good book, watch your favourite film, meditate, get a relaxing massage, take a bath, watch the sunset, get outside in the evening and get amazed by watching the sky full of bright, shining stars. Doing what you love will definitely raise your energy levels and it will also make you more positive and excited about life.

There are so many ways and strategies to keep your energy levels high so do your research. I have only chosen some of my favourite ones with the hope and the belief they will make a difference in your life too. Start looking after yourself today, get healthier, happier and more energetic.

The art of manifesting

Beautiful girl staring at fairies in a magical forest . Fantasy conceptCouple of weeks ago we talked about how powerful our thoughts are and how they can affect our reality. Today, I would like to dive deeper into this topic and introduce you to the art of manifesting. We all have a natural ability to manifest what we desire in our lives. Manifesting is a spiritual experience and a very exciting process which does not only bring many miracles into our lives, but it can also help us becoming more aware how powerful we really are. The language we use, the thoughts we think and the feelings we have, influence our reality (our experiences). What we focus on always expands. So let’s have a look how manifesting really works.

There are 5 important keys to a successful manifesting:

Clarity        Belief        Feeling        Releasing        Action 



 What would you like to manifest in your life? Become very clear about what you desire. This is a very important step in the process of manifesting. You need to be as specific as possible. For example: If you would like to manifest a dream holiday, be very clear and specific about it. Where would you like to go? When would you like it to happen: this Winter, next Summer? Which airline would you like to fly with? What about the hotel? What may your room look like? What view is there from your balcony? What kind of adventures would you like to experience on your holiday? If it helps, get a pen and paper and write it down. Be as specific as possible. Clarity is a very big step in the manifestation process, do not skip it!


You have to believe that your dream is possible for you. You have to believe in yourself and your ability to make it happen. Who is going believe in you, if you don’t believe in yourself? Believe that you are worthy of receiving that what you desire.


You have to feel your dream is manifesting now. You have to feel it within the whole level of your being. Start to visualise and experience the feelings you want to be feeling, once your dream is manifested. Feel them now. Coming back to our example of a dream holiday: Feel what it would feel like to fly on an airliner to your destination. Ask yourself: “What airline is it? What type of aircraft? Where am I sitting? What am I saying? How am I feeling? What am I seeing when I arrive to the hotel?” Your imagination is endless. Create a picture in your mind what you would like to experience. Make it as real as possible. Visualise and feel the experiences as if they were already happening right now.


When we are trying to manifest something in our lives, we often hold on so much to the outcome. You have to remember some things are easier to manifest and others take more time, so you have to be patient. Don’t get discouraged or disappointed when you don’t see it materialise straight away. Don’t let anything or anybody distract you. Know what you want and be prepared to get it. Release the worry of “how and when” to the Universe. Be patient and relaxed about the outcome, and be open to any possibilities. The Universe works in mysterious ways and when you really understand this, the manifesting becomes so much easier. Trusting, knowing and letting the Universe to bring the desire to you the best way is right for you, equals a successful manifesting. Be open to anything and don’t be attached or obsess about the outcome. It may arrive in a very unexpected, miraculous way.


The last step (which shouldn’t be taken for granted) is taking action. You need to take action if you want to manifest something. While doing so, you need to also trust and know, the Universe is working with you and supporting you along the way. Notice any signs and synchronicities around you, and follow them if they feel right to you. They can be your greatest guides. Please remember, even though taking action is listed as a step number 5 here, it’s not really the last one. This step should be done every single day while you are manifesting, beside the other manifestation steps. Then, the whole process will flow very nicely and naturally together, and the results will be steadily revealing themselves to you.

***Final, but very important points about manifesting***

Start with small things first:  (which are believable to you). This will strengthen your belief system and your manifesting will become more natural.

Don’t manipulate other people:  E.g. Many people want to manifest romantic relationships or even specific people in their lives. This doesn’t always resonates with the other person’s truth and what they want to do. Remember, every soul came here with a Free will. They choose what they want to do and what they want to experience. Be mindful of this and please don’t try to manipulate other people when you are manifesting. If you want to manifest your soulmate, trust and know that he/she is on the way to you, and they will appear when the time is right for both of you.

– Trust:  The Universe is always on your side and wants you to enjoy your life to the fullest. Be aware of it and always trust and know that what is meant for you will always find its way. If something doesn’t work out the way you want, trust and know there is something so much better coming your way and it is for your highest good.

A THOUGHT TO KEEP: “Everything is energy. Your thought begins it, you emotion amplifies it and your action increases it’s momentum!”  

How to stay motivated

Happy womanWhen we are trying to accomplish something in our lives, it can sometimes be difficult to stay motivated. We get a great idea, we get excited about it, but later when we realise what it actually involves to bring it to reality, we may get discouraged, demotivated and sometimes we may even start doubting ourselves. We all feel like that sometimes. The good news is, there are many ways we can stay motivated, focused, and in the end achieve what we really want. Here are few suggestions:



We often get overwhelmed when we look at the big picture of all we “have to do”. My suggestion? Break it down to a smaller steps. It’s great to have the end result in mind, but only to certain extend. When you break it down and focus on a smaller steps, you are on a better path of reaching your goal. This way ,you stay motivated and more positive. Focus on what you have to do today and tomorrow and know that you will figure out the rest as you go along.


Reward yourself every day, even for what you consider a small successes. This is another powerful way to stay motivated. For example: “You have written the first two pages of your first novel? Take yourself for a lovely meal and congratulate yourself for taking the first step. You went to the gym twice this week after haven’t been exercising for a year? Reward yourself for that.” It is very important to acknowledge your own successes and to be kind to yourself, instead of being hard on yourself. Remember: “You are always doing the best you can with the knowledge and understanding you have at the time!”


Praise yourself by using a positive and supportive language. I do this every single day. For instance: “Well done, you’ve done so well again, I’m so proud of you! You see, I told you, you can do it! You can do anything you set your mind to! You are more than good enough!”  These are just a few examples. Try it! If you do this every single day, it can become a habit and this is one of the best habits to keep. Be kind to yourself!


You are a very special, unique individual and there is nobody in this world exactly like you and there is never going to be. You came to this Earth to be yourself and do things in your own unique way. I know it can be hard sometimes, but try not to compare yourself to other people. Everyone’s journey is different. Everyone has a different story. It doesn’t mean, if someone does or achieves something certain way, you have to do it like that too. Absolutely not! You do it your own special way. You were born an original. When you see other people’s successes whether online or in the real life, celebrate those successes and let them be a reminder that you can do anything that you desire too. Don’t get jealous, competitive or think they are better than you. Focus on yourself and enjoy your own unique journey.


Create your dream vision board. Find pictures in magazines or flyers that represent what you want to achieve in your life. Cut them out and place them on a poster board, which you can buy in any stationary shop. Place this board on the wall where you are going to be able to see it every day (it can be your office or any room you spend most of your time). This will keep you motivated and focused on your dreams. When I was learning to fly, I created a vision board with many pictures of aeroplanes and powerful, inspiring messages. This kept me focused on my dream of becoming a pilot. Every time I felt demotivated and discouraged (but not only then), I looked at my vision board and it reminded me why I want to do this and my energy shifted instantly. So get creative and make your own vision board today!

How to be more organised in life

11229285_10207288592482440_648415440516388802_nWe live in a fast moving world. Most of us are constantly running around, trying to reach deadlines, and even without realising picking up unhealthy habits along the way. There is so much pressure on us these days and we are getting “busier and busier” than ever before. Many of us are feeling disorganised in life and may be asking: “What am I doing?” Can you see yourself in this? I have to admit, I get trapped in this circle myself occasionally. I often have so much to do and this can be sometimes overwhelming. Fortunately I’ve learnt now, that every time I notice just a slight indication I’m headed that way, I need to stop and take a different approach. I believe being organised in this hectic world is so important and it can avoid any extra stress and bring more light into our lives.

Here are some tips for you: 


Clear your space. Clean up your apartment or your house very thoroughly. Throw out any clutter and get rid of anything you were planning to get rid of years ago. Clear your draws and cupboards. If you have been procrastinating to clear your desk for way too long, do it today. Open the mail you have been avoiding to open and deal with it now. Tidy up and make your place look beautiful again. Remember the saying: Clearer space~Clearer mind.” When you are done, open the windows and let the fresh air get in, so it can cleanse and purify the space from any trapped and old negative energy. Buy some flowers or plants and decorate your house/apartment with them. Get a fresher outlook on life today by space clearing. It’s life-transforming!


We often get overwhelmed by things we have to get through the following day. We overthink and overanalyse. My tip for you? Make to do lists! List all the things you have to do the following day. I write down almost everything, from what I have to buy in a supermarket to appointments. This way, it’s out of my head on a piece of paper. Then, I look at my list and prioritise. I like get the easy things out of the way as quickly as possible, then deal with the more complex tasks. But this changes based on the importance. Ask yourself: “What can wait and what do I have to do first thing in the morning?” The next day you are going to see very clearly right in front of you what you have to do. You will have a plan, and this will make you feel more organised and more in control.


To become more organised in life and eliminate any stress also means preparation. Don’t take anything for granted. Important meetings, your work, exams or appointments should be respected and be given your best. You must prepare. By being prepared you are not only going to feel more confident on a day, but you are also going to avoid any unnecessary stress, anxiety and confusion. Be responsible and always prepare for the following day as best as you can.


Nature has a beautiful healing effect and can bring more clarity into your life. Try to connect with the natural world at least few times a week. Go to the park or a forest. Breathe in the fresh air, watch the trees swinging in the air, rivers flowing beautifully, listen to the bird songs. Purify all your senses and your auric energy field with the healing powers of nature. You’ll feel the benefits almost immediately. When you visit the natural world on a daily basis you will notice your outlook on life will change to the better.

Your thoughts are very powerful

beautiful butterflies fly out of the pagesOur thoughts are very powerful and most of us don’t even realise how they can affect our reality. When our thoughts are pure and positive we feel great, because those thoughts also create great feelings. On the contrary when our thoughts are negative, we may feel frustrated, unhappy and feel like everyone and everything is against us. Even Buddha said: “Your worst enemy cannot harm you as much as your own unguarded thoughts.” This powerful quote speaks for itself. Our negative thinking can sometimes ruin even the most beautiful day. I am very guilty of overthinking, overanalysing and worrying myself. Well, we all are! I always recommend many tools and exercises to my friends and students, but I really have to challenge myself every day to “Practice what I preach!” This isn’t always easy, and I would be lying to myself, if I say it is. We can only do our best every day or at least try.

After studying many spiritual traditions, buddhism and continuously researching mysteries of this Universe, I learnt how powerful our thoughts are. I believe we live in a vibrational Universe. Every thought we think and every feeling we put underneath that thought, creates a vibration (a frequency). This vibration sooner or later manifests in some form. The good news is, you are the only thinker in your mind and nobody is choosing your thoughts for you- Only you! Of course, in this life things happen, (our car can break down, somebody disappoints us, we are short of money,  plane gets delayed and the list can go on). There are many things in life we cannot control, but what we actually can control is our response to those situations and our thoughts we hold about them. Let me give you a few tips, which can help you to become more mindful of your thoughts, so you can start taking a different approach and create a positive change in your life.

Become a witness of your self-talk

This is a very powerful exercise and it can change your life for the better. Decide today, that you are going to be witnessing the monologue you are having in your mind. Don’t judge yourself, just acknowledge your self-talk and become mindful what is going on. It can be scary to start with, because you may start noticing how negative your thinking actually is. Don’t worry. This exercise will allow you to see very clearly how your thoughts affect your reality. You can also write your thoughts down.

Choose constructive thoughts instead of destructive thoughts 

Don’t be hard on yourself. We all have negative thoughts and as long as we live, they will always be haunting us from time to time. No one has it all figured out and that’s part of life. Try this: every time a negative thought crosses your mind, try to replace it with a positive one. Say to yourself: “I choose to see things differently” and see what happens. It may be tough to start with, but challenge yourself and give it a go.

Positive affirmations

Positive affirmations always help me to shift my perspective! Every time I feel down or find myself in a negative thought pattern, I try to replace it with positive affirmations. Positive affirmations are positive statements which can help you to change the frequency you are currently on. You can start feeling so much better in a matter of moments. Positive affirmations need to be positive, personal and in present tense. For example: “I am in charge of how I feel and today I am choosing happiness!” or “I believe in myself and I can do anything!” These affirmations are positive, they are personal and in present tense. Get inspired and create your own daily affirmations which can shift your perception and replace your negative self-talk.

Remember: “Positive thoughts generate positive feelings and attract positive life’s experiences!”  

Discover your life purpose

box4One of the most liberating experiences of our human life is finding our mission here on Earth. There is so much joy and excitement in finding our purpose in life. I strongly believe every single one of us has a unique mission to fulfil in this lifetime. By discovering this mission (doesn’t matter how big or small we think it might be) will help us grow in many ways.

When I was a child I was very curious about life in general, as all children are. I often kept asking myself: “Why am I here? What is the meaning of this journey? Similar type of questions were following me everywhere and they still do. Of course there is even more of them now. The good news is, the older I get, this journey is making more sense to me. Ever since I learnt to listen to the voice of my soul, the answers to these questions come to me quite naturally. I am always adventuring and more and more aligning with my life’s purpose, which I believe I have already discovered. My soul and the Universe are constantly showing me the way, and I am willingly following the call.

So you might be asking yourself: “Do I have a purpose here? How can I find it?” First and foremost I would like you to know, that all the answers to these questions lie within you. Secondly, I have some suggestions, which can help to put you on the right track of discovering  your mission. They certainly helped me, therefore I’ve decided to share them in this blog. Get inspired, try them and see how you get on.

1. What do you like to do, that you would even do, if you don’t get paid for it? 

I love inspiring others and talking about topics I strongly believe in and I care about. I can talk for hours about spirituality, creativity, dreams, about flying and adventuring. It brings so much joy to my soul when people get inspired by these conversations. This is one of the reasons I believe my purpose in life is inspiring others and helping them to find their true gifts, so they can share them with the world. I’m sure you have some hobbies and activities that make you happy and excited. This is a sign that you are on the right path of discovering your purpose. Can you think of some ways you could make those activities even more exciting? Would you be brave enough to share your art with some friends, colleagues or perhaps with a much wider audience on a social media? Would you like to inspire others by the work you do? For example: Do you like writing, but you never shared any of your work with other people? Choose a topic you are excited about, write a great blog and share it with your friends. Are you a musician, but you are afraid to perform in public and worried people may reject you? Make a home video playing your musical instrument and share it on a social media. You never know how many people you might inspire. Maybe somebody is in a similar position (scared to share their music with others) and you may be the one giving them “permission” to share their work with the world. There is a reason why you are drawn to certain things. It’s a sign from the Universe, and this can easily be part of your purpose in life or it can lead you to it. Don’t ignore this call. Whatever it is that you love doing, keep doing it. Maybe one day, even without knowing how it happened, this can become your full time job. Get creative, face your fears and have fun in this process!

2. What did you like to do when you were a child?

I like to call myself a multi-passionate artist. Ever since I was a little girl, I had lots of hobbies and enjoyed many creative activities. My sister and I are very fortunate to have a parents who always supported our dreams. We are both very aware of that and therefore extremely grateful. I have always been drawn to the theatres and concert halls. I love writing stories, poems and composing music. I was a soloist in choir, ballerina and I played piano for many years. I always knew I belong to the world of creatives. What I didn’t know at the time, this was the way my soul wished to express itself in this world. I can see very clearly now, how is this list linked to my life’s purpose. Here is a question for you. Can you think of any activities you liked doing as a child? Anything you could spent hours doing and never got bored of? Take a pen and paper and list as many of those hobbies as you can. There is a magic in writing things down. You will see right in front of you what you have done all those years ago, and this can be a good indication which can lead you to your life purpose.

3. There are no coincidences 

Many things you have ever done in life happened for a reason (your present or past jobs, learning interesting subject at school, meeting somebody who inspired you). There is no doubt these things can to lead you to your purpose in life. For example: You were learning a foreign language at school and many years later you are living in a country which speaks that language. Or you have been on an aeroplane as a young child and the Captain was a female. This has inspired you to take your first flying lesson and now you are soon to be qualified as a pilot. Somebody randomly mentioned something in a conversation and ever since that experience you can’t stop thinking about it or you may see many signs of it everywhere you turn. This could also lead you on the road of discovering your purpose. I really believe there are no coincidences in this Universe. Everything is happening for a reason. The higher power of our beautiful Universe is presenting you those ideas, because you are more than capable of doing something with them. And you are going to do this in your own special way, like nobody else. This could make a great contribution to this world and you would feel amazing. You have a special life purpose here on Earth and you can fulfil this purpose without any doubts by having the belief, the patience, the right approach, the persistence and the desire to make this world a better place just by being you. Believe in yourself and follow your calling!

Your challenges are your greatest teachers

Beautiful Girl in Fantasy Mystical and Magical Spring GardenLately, I have been experiencing lots of changes in my life. Most of them great and exciting, some of them quite challenging. Nothing I wouldn’t be able to cope with, but I have to say they have been a little distracting. You know those days when something comes up and before you even get a chance to resolve it, there is already something else to deal with? Those situations often keep us distracted and we may feel stuck, even confused. In those moments everything can seem challenging and even the little things can annoy us quite easily. What I have learnt from those situations is to remember, there is always a solution of the highest good to every challenge we face. We are constantly learning very important lessons which are helping us on our personal and spiritual growth. I have a few tips I believe can help you and motivate you, if you are also going through some changes and challenges in your life right now.

1. Breathe

When we feel stressed or challenged we often forget to breathe properly. Our breathing may get fast and shallow, our spine may feel stiff and we can overly feel uncomfortable and uneasy. What I find very helpful in those kind of situations, is to step out from what I am currently doing (if the circumstances allow) and take a few deep, cleansing breaths. This relaxes me immediately. Try it! Inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth. Repeat it three times at least. Make sure your exhalation is always a little longer than your inhalation. Allow the channels of energy in your whole body to open up, so the energy can flow freely and it doesn’t get trapped anywhere. If you feel any kind of discomfort in your body (it can be in your chest, your stomach, your back) send your breath to this place and visualise it is melting away any tension you may be experiencing. When you breathe out, visualise you are breathing that discomfort away. Repeat this process for as long as it’s comfortable for you, and ask yourself how do you feel afterwards. This technique is very rewarding and I suggest you include it into your every day life, not only when challenges arise.

2. Focus on what you can do

When you are feeling more comfortable after pausing for a while, after you’ve released the tension from your physical body, it’s time for the next step. Try to accept the challenge and think of what you can do to resolve it instead of focusing how bad it is. When you focus on how difficult things are your vision gets clouded and you will always see obstacles instead of solutions. Ask yourself: “What can I do right now to resolve this?” Try to look at it from a higher perspective and be as open-minded as possible. You can also ask yourself: “If my friend or a family member had a problem like this, what advice would I give them?” This way you may get a very good perspective and so much fresher outlook on the situation.

3. Detach for a while

When challenges arise, we often want to deal with them as quickly as possible, so we can get them out of the way. This is great and very wise, but sometimes the best solution could be to wait a little. We can get overwhelmed by the situation, we can overthink it and even come to some scary conclusions what could actually happen (even though they are only our mind’s creation). What often helps me is to completely detach for a while. Instead of worrying, which is not going to help me anyway, I try to do something else. For example: I listen to my favourite song, call a friend, go to nature, watch a funny film…When you detach from a situation which has been bothering you, you often come back to it with a new, fresher perspective. Stepping out from it allows your mind to re-focus on something else and when you get back to it, it may not even look as overwhelming as before. Sometimes things magically work out and a fantastic solutions can surprisingly fly into your life. Afterwards you may even ask yoruself: “Why haven’t I thought of that before?” Be open to anything. Detach for a while and see what happens. You might be surprised.

4. What can I learn from it?

Every challenge is an opportunity for our personal and spiritual growth. Instead of focusing on the difficulty, ask yourself: “What can I learn from this situation?” “What is the Universe trying to tell me?” You may find, that sometimes you face the same or similar situations in your life over and over again. When you notice the similarities of those occurrences, there is an opportunity for you to really master the lesson and release it from your life completely. From a spiritual perspective those situations are repeated until you learn the lesson you need to learn. It can sometimes seem unfair and you might easily fall into the victim zone and say: “Why me, why do I always attract difficult people into my life, what have I done to deserve to feel like this?”…and the list can go on. Trust and know that you are growing and you are learning as a human being and also as a soul. Every challenge is an opportunity for your growth in many ways. Start looking at your challenges as your greatest teachers and know in your heart that all is good and there is always a solution of a highest good to everything you face.

I will leave you with a powerful quote by Joshua J. Marine: “Challenges are what make life interesting. Overcoming them is what makes life meaningful.”

Yes, your dreams can come true!

Beautiful girl in jacket standing next to war aircraft. Retro photo.We all have dreams, desires, something we really want to accomplish in our lives. It can be something we have always been dreaming of ever since we were children. Something which makes us very excited every time we think about it, but we never had the courage to do it.

I always dream big, and I believe my dreams can come true no matter how unrealistic they may seem to others. We are all allowed to choose whatever we want to do in this life. After all, we are souls with a free will (when we look at this life from a higher perspective). I am very pleased to say, many of my dreams became reality thank to my strong will, perseverance, hard work and a support from some fantastic people. This is the reason why I chose this topic, and I believe I can give you some useful tips from my own experience how not to give up on your dreams even when you are feeling discouraged, you’ve lost your confidence and everybody is telling you your dreams are just too big for you.

To accomplish something great in your life is not an easy journey. I can talk a lot about my own challenges. For example when I was learning to fly. Sometimes I took three steps forward, another time five steps back. Even though I wanted to become a private pilot so much, I sometimes created many excuses when things got difficult (as many of us do) e.g. this is so hard, I can’t see myself flying solo, English isn’t my first language, some of the flying maneuverers are just too scary to face, I don’t like maths and physics, and many other excuses of that kind. Luckily, amongst all those excuses, I always believed in myself and I never gave up. I didn’t hang around in this state of mind for too long. Instead, I focused on what I had to do in the moment and I learned to motivate myself on a daily basis. This is what helped me moving towards my dream even when fears, excuses and obstacles crossed my path. And so can you…no matter how difficult or “unreal” your dream may seem. If it’s important to you, you will always find a way. If not, you will find an excuse. You are capable of achieving your dream if you are willing to do the hard work, focus, persevere, step out of your comfort zone and face your fears. No matter how old you are or how long it can take. Are you ready?

I have a list of tips, which can help you on your own exciting journey towards your dreams. Take whatever feels right for you and discard what doesn’t. This is your journey and only you decide what you want to do with it.


This is a first tip and it is crucial. You have to believe in yourself to make your dream come true. Who is going to believe in you, if you don’t believe in yourself? Theodore Roosevelt said: “Believe in yourself and you are halfway there!” I can’t agree more.


To accomplish anything in your life, you always have to take action and you have to be disciplined. Start doing something right now, which will get you closer to your dream (do your research, read a book on your chosen subject, take a weekend course which will give you more information about what you want to accomplish, talk to people who have done it and are successful in what you want to do). Then, the hard work starts. Do something every single day that will get you even closer to your dream, even if it’s only for 15 minutes. Study hard and make yourself proud. You can do anything you set your mind to. If it’s important to you, you will make it happen. Have discipline and keep going. I would also like to add visualisation exercise to this process. I am a great believer in the effectiveness of visualisation. I always use this powerful tool and it works. When you visualise, you can easily attract what you want into your life. If you have ever daydreamed, I am sure you know exactly what I mean. Visualise and feel the feelings of how you would like to feel once your dream is manifested (fly that plane, sing on that stage, run the marathon etc.). Go as far as possible in your visualisation and feel those good feelings now. Visualise people congratulating you on your big success and feel proud of yourself now. This is a fantastic tool and I strongly advice you to add it to your daily routine when taking action.


When you decide to do something and it’s something “out of ordinary”, it may scare some people around you. There will be people who will tell you that your dream is just too big for you, you don’t have the grades to start that course, you are just not strong enough, wise enough, pretty enough to do that. My advice? Don’t listen to those people. The reason they tell you those things, it’s because they think, they can’t do it. But that’s their reality, not yours. Sometimes, they may get worried and want to protect you from getting disappointed. That’s fine too. Always be polite and say: “Thank you for your concern, but I believe in myself and I am willing to try and see if I can do this. It may not be easy, but I am up for the challenge!” Surround yourself with positive people who believe in you. They will always support you and encourage you on your journey.


Focus is so important in the process of working towards your dream. You’ve made an important decision what you want to do. Now, you have the opportunity to manifest this dream into your reality. Don’t let anything or anyone distract you. Always remember you are more than capable of accomplishing whatever you have decided to do. From a spiritual perspective there is a divine reason why this dream (this idea) came to you. Follow it! I am not saying it’s going to be easy, I am saying, it’s going to be worth it! Obstacles always come our way, but they are teaching us some important lessons. Trust and know no matter how long it takes: You can do it!

Good luck my friends and remember YOU CAN DO ANYTHING YOU SET YOUR MIND TO!

If you have any further questions or comments, please send them to: jana@mysticbutterfly.co.uk and I will be happy to answer them.

It’s not selfish, it’s self-love


Loving yourself is one of the best gifts you can give to yourself. It’s not selfish, it’s not vanity. I am taking about healthy respect towards yourself. You are the most important person in your life and you are always going to be. When you are happy, healthy and fulfilled then you can give to others.

How many times have you found yourself rushing around, doing things for other people, saying yes when you meant no just to look good in the eyes of others? We have all been there. I am not saying not help someone when they need your help or support. I am talking about the moments when your intuition is telling you no, but you are still going to do something just to please somebody. Remember saying no can also be a loving response when you really mean no and not going against your will. The other thing to remember is that you are investing the precious hours of your life to something you are not so keen to do. Keep in mind: The best gift you can ever give to someone is your time, because you are giving them something you’ll never get back! 

Ask yourself these important questions: Who do you spend your time with? How do you spend your time? Does your job make you happy? Do you do certain things because you believe you have to do them? Do you worry a lot? Get honest with yourself and really answers those questions as truthfully as possible. Do you love yourself enough to admit that maybe you have been neglecting yourself up to this point? Worries, fears, going to jobs we don’t like, staying in unhealthy relationships, pleasing other people on our account. These are just a few examples of negative habits which should be replaced with self-love. I have a few tips for you which can lead you closer to loving yourself a bit more today.


That’s right! Take yourself on a date. This may sound funny, but it is actually an act of self-love. Take yourself for a lunch and order your favourite meal. Go to the cinema. Go for a shopping and buy yourself something lovely. Do whatever feels good! I love visiting my local airfield, sit in the cafe and watch little aeroplanes departing and landing on a nice, sunny day. This always brings me so much joy and there is nothing else I need at that moment. No stress, no worries, just pure self-love and happiness. Learn to enjoy your own company and “take yourself on a date” do it at least once a month, you deserve it!


Take a pen and paper and make sure you are not going to be disturbed for about 10-15 minutes (maybe longer). Start listing all the things you love about yourself. List anything you can think of. For example: I’m a talented painter, I’m a great parent, I make the best chocolate cake, I’m a good dancer and so on… I can assure you there are plenty of great things about you…you might have just have been dismissing them or simply forgot to appreciate yourself more. The purpose of this exercise is to shift your energy to self-love and appreciation. This way you will start reaching for some higher frequencies, you’ll start feeling better about yourself and you’ll love yourself more.


Life is too short to be only doing things you feel you have to do. Have some fun and do what “really” makes you happy! Listen to your favourite music, pack your bags and take the weekend off, go camping, take that class you always wanted to take, cook yourself a healthy meal, make yourself a cup of tea and read a good book, go to nature, meditate, surround yourself with positive like-minded people, take a flying lesson (and I can talk a lot about that), never give up on your dreams (give up all the excuses and limiting beliefs- age, status and all the other lies…). You are good enough and you can do anything. This is your life and only you choose what you want to do with it! 

So these are just few tips you can apply to your life if they resonate with you. Also make your own. Remember to love yourself first, then everything else follows. I will leave you with a beautiful quote from Buddha which speak for itself: “YOU, YOURSELF AS MUCH AS ANYBODY IN THE ENTIRE UNIVERSE, DESERVE YOUR LOVE AND AFFECTION!” ~Buddha